I have a killer Chili recipe. Got it from http://www.chili.orgThey have the winners recipes on there.
Who works in X Ray in here? I have a question. Had a ct scan yest with contrast dye in by back (spinal) My head hurts every time I put my head down or move my head around. Not when I am lyind down. Standing up. It is killing me.....but only when I look down. Normal?
are you sure it was a CT or a disogram and then CT to follow. If your head continues to hurt you may need to have a spinal tap.... spinal fluid leak can cause this HORRIBLE headache. Only if this continues....
I dont know, they stuck a needle into my spinal canal injected dye took pics rolled me down to ct and did that too. She said it wouldnt hurt. she lied.
did you have this at the hospital? or the pain clinic at the hospital? if so it was a discogram more than likely
You had a CT discogram - Pain clinic did the injection and then the scan in the CT dept.... You may have a spinal leak!! Especially once you said that the headache is much worst when sitting up... That is the major sympton for a spinal leak.
hmmm wasnt there then a year ago i would of been but not now i thought you were coming here....(even tho we dont do that procedure at this office )
Great. How long do I wait until I should call. It is bad but not the worst headache I have ever had. Do I wait ans see if it gets worse. I had a headache while I was sleeping this morning. Computer screen hurts my eyes.
unbelievable the complete BS that flies out of people mouth's on here...... just unbelievable :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: