I stoped by LF's yesterday and picked up my stuff! Man, there is going to be some good food at my house!
I am back, and there were 3 people shopping in there....it was perfect, and and their shelves were stocked!!! small miracle no doubt thanks to the Lowe's Foods up the street, to which I am thankful. There will be chocolate chess pies and lemon meringue pies smelling up my house before I know it!! Can't wait! :mrgreen:
How about American Greetings? Carlton Cards? Plus Mark? LPG Greetings? If nothing in the stores (or online) suits you, you could create your own with something like "Print Shop Deluxe"
OH yes I did! got my Christmas Cards and some cutesie sticky notes for stocking stuffers. :mrgreen: TY HG! They should be here in 21 days from last Wednesday.
And their ornament selection is kinda lacking this year. Well, in the kid yearly section they are at least. I was pretty disappointed they are discontinuing the yearly ornament that I started for my DD. :x
They ship them quicker. I've got 08 calander magnets coming!! YEAH I'M ALMOST DONE WORKING FOR THE DAY !!!!!!!!!
They sure do! I ordered more postcards last Monday, selected the "slow" shipping since we weren't in a real hurry, got them on Friday! :shock::-D
i thought so too! i try and get me and dh a special ornament each year from there and this year there really wasnt much to choose from.