I've been so busy I hadn't even noticed my little thread had reached over 1000 pages and over 10,000 posts. Wow.... A lot of randomness going on up in here...
H6, I just love you! This is well put.... I would have to add that this should also be adhered to when someone feels the needs to get their point across in emails. I think even more so in email since tone, attitude..."feeling" can be misinterpreted very easily. I'm not one for emails when it comes to communicating sensitive matters, but boy have I been the recipient of some hurtful ones from people who lack in face to face communication. :shock:
Got my space heater on full blast. :lol: Mattie & Shelby must be cold also, they are under my desk :lol::lol::lol: I have so much work to do from yesterday, but really don't feel like doing much of anything. I have to go to the grocery store!
2:44 and still no way to get a file to download in Word.:roll::roll::roll: :twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted:
Southern Born was talking about Danny's BBQ....and it is YUMMY. Not Eastern NC BBQ, more like what they call FLorida BBQ or Texas BBQ. It is smoked...outstanding. He used ot have 2 in Cary.....but its been YEARS since I lived on that side of the Universe.