today is a good day for that...running and screaming Spongebob! HA. I am wrapping, roasting and laundering. Perfect day for all three! I shall be quite the productive one. :mrgreen:
Ms KellBell when you are done head over this way. I have a list that needs to be tackled and obvisiouly me sitting here it isn't getting done. Since you are on a roll I figure you can do my list. Thank you and have a good day! LOL orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I could send my 2 over there to help you and I could get some quietness in this house!
OK, not a problem, long as looking like Helga is ok, could scare the children.:mrgreen: DF is at the cabin duck hunting for the weekend, kiddies are at their Father's. LIFE IS GOOD. I got it pretty good around here this weekend, I have to admit. I have my laptop on the kitchen table, so I can hang out with you guys too. In between all my goings-on. :-D
We had this discussion yesterday, and concluded that some posts have been deleted, throwing off the post count in the thread. The same thing happens in a few other threads. You can see your post, right? It's the last one in this thread. So even though it says there's another page, nothing is on it.
Feeling cruddy. I need a substitute teacher today. Anyone wanna volunteer? :mrgreen: Probably not so I'd better get cracking. :-( :lol:
Merry Christmas to me..............NOT................strep throat and bronchitis. Somebody shoot me please. :evil:
Thanks Hught, I think a lot of others on here are in the same boat. I wasn't going to go to the doc yet, but my darling husband won't even sleep in the same room with me, and made me go this morning. It ain't Christmas unless somebody is sick! LOL.
I am sorry you feel bad, but am glad you went to the Doc to get meds! You'll be feeling better in no time. Now just go out and buy some Lysol and spray everything, at least twice, to keep the rest of fam from contracting. :mrgreen:
I just HATE going to the doc, I always think I am just being a hypochondriac, but it never fails that something really is wrong. I thought this was the worst sore throat of my life, I was right, LOL. I've never had strep before. Now, I just hope DH and DS don't come down with it. I will be breaking out the Clorox wipes shortly. We don't ever drink or eat after each other, so hopefully they are ok.
knock on wood....I have never had strep, one kid has had it twice. I Have been lucky. Girl wipe/spray everything you touch....fridge handle, light switches, door knobs....usually that stuff has the 7 day wait period....and you know what 7 days from today is, right? I hope you feel tip top soon. :mrgreen: