A place for random thoughts....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JenniferK, Mar 15, 2006.

  1. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    But don't you feel healthy? And in a little while, clean as a whistle! :mrgreen:
  2. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    YOU ARE!! go home!! LOL....actually I like it when there is no one around...the commute was a dream I am sure. I on the other hand need to go to Target.....bet all them mutha's that aren't working today are in there....bet...

  3. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Bah...being healthy is overrated.
  4. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Ha, ha!! I wish :lol: Speaking of Target....I gotta go there on my way home!!! Gotta get the boys Easter Basket stuff. Yup it was pretty quiet on 40 this a.m.
  5. ShrtnSwt

    ShrtnSwt Well-Known Member

    Got the patch on! Let's see if I can make it to start through the weekend!
  6. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    That is so funny! She sounds like a pretty smart and witty kid to me.
  7. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    random thought for the day....

    I hope my neighbors go out of town for the entire spring break.
  8. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    oh i'm so ticked. the gas company came to my house this morning while I was gone and filled up my tank....its the end of March. I don't need gas for the summer time. :x
  9. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    You can do it!!! :hurray:
  10. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Well, it's not as if the gas is going to disappear. It just means you won't need to fill it when winter comes.

    Perhaps there's even a silver lining. By the time winter rolls aroung, the gas price would undoubtedly be higher, so you're saving money by filling now.
  11. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Thats just one of the reasons McCracken Propane and I had it out, and I got rid of my gas logs (thats all we had a gas tank for). BUT... given the price of fuels, maybe its cheaper now than it would be in the fall?? I'm not saying its right, and they should have called and given you the option.. that would irk me all over again too!! :x
  12. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    Yes, you are right (did I just say that?) and since i have a credit with them anyway i'll only have to pay about half. I guess I can deal with it.
  13. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    gas logs is all i use it for too, and we don't use that much. a full tank will last me the whole winter.
  14. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Why are there so many pink tea cup threads and why is the same person bashing in each thread?
  15. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Because they have issues (with the Pink Teacup).

    I am curious as to what happened?
  16. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I was looking threw threads and thought wtf there are 3 going at one time. Thought maybe something happened too.
  17. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yes, but they don't want to tell us. I wish they would, I really do have a coupon and 2 girl who would have fun there.
  18. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't let that troll deter you. My MIL took me a few weeks ago for lunch on a Saturday, they have great chicken salad and great quiche!
    They also have really nice flavored sweet teas.
  19. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I made the prettiest Easter Cupcakes ever.....confeti batter with all kings of pink, lavender and purple sprinkles, and some ducks and rabbits confetti.....

    to send to my ex's house with the kids for the weekend.....

    Dang I am nice......:mrgreen:
  20. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I hope you put extra sugar in them. :) Give the boys a few before you drop them off...

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