I promise not to bite! That is just nasty because you don't know what you could pick up from biting others flesh!
Alright instead of the standard 30 lashings with a wet noddle by Tammy, you only have to have 25, unless of course you are into that kind of thing! LOL
Noooo...don't you remember? After that whole Squire and the police thing we switched to hide my identity? Besides, you took all my noodles too!
hey! this is the optical thread, not the "hey i belong to X 4042 committee" thread! er. i mean... aw hell. don't drink on school nights kiddies
dont you hate when clueless person knows about a hint and doesnt give a rats ars about the people doing it. dont you hate it when they are to stubbern to just go? because they wont be bullied around. i also hate it when people dont know all sides of a story. people that JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS. people who have no business in someones business. people who are followers and cant think for themselves. dont you hate it when someone hears another side to a story and suddenly that person isnt the "bad" person. dont you hate it when you are accused of something you didnt do. just wow. I have a lot of random thoughts today. dont you hate it when they say go get a life but they are in a same place, probably more then you. call the kettle black. random thought, i love recees(sp) peanut butter eggs..mmmmmmm
dont you hate it when someone is getting jumped on and a person stands up for them, then they come back and forget and jump in with everyone else. dont yall hate 2 faced people? dont you hate that? i do.
and further more dont you hate it when that person is still talking smack about the others ex partner, and it should be dropped. someone who hang on to grudges. I hate grudgy people. now i know why the first person was upset...