A place for random thoughts....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JenniferK, Mar 15, 2006.

  1. Jeepgirl

    Jeepgirl Well-Known Member

    If that really is true at least for the most part, I am very glad that I had boys!!
  2. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    love it, having raised all boys am just recently getting my first real exposure to a preteen girl with my dgd - i keep threatening to move out of state before she turns 13:lol:
  3. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    You must have unique boys because my friends who have teenage boys have more serious issues than what bandmom posted. Every teen that I have known thinks adults are just "oh my god, not so cool" and will push the boundaries. Teenage girls are high maintenance due to clothes and all but I'll take that over video games, drag racing and let's not forget the every 30 seconds the boys think of sex.

    Anyhow, good luck to all of us and I did not mean my response as anything other than expanding on how funny and hard it is to raise a teen.

    Sherry :lol:
  4. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Ugggh, how can family come down for 3 nights to stay at your home with out CALLING!!!!!! I mean seriously!!!!!!:x:x
  5. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I know what you mean - I'm sure my teens have done things that I will never know about - although, now that he's older he has 'spilled the beans' about a few things that he got into - and we can laugh about it now. And my DD is not half as bad as the one in the manual, THANK GOD!! Truely - I feel blessed in so many ways that my kids have turned really good (so far!). I would not trade them for anyone elses - thats for sure! I make sure I tell them that and how proud I am of them for the decisions they've made for themselves.:)
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I hate that crap! Did you know they were coming? Or did they just show up? If they just showed up, I'd say I had other plans!!! And then give them the number for the nearest hotel. :twisted:
  7. Jeepgirl

    Jeepgirl Well-Known Member

    LOL, I agree it is very hard to raise a teenager.
  8. ShrtnSwt

    ShrtnSwt Well-Known Member

    My son still hugs and kisses me in front of his friends. They don't laugh b/c they say they are also mama's boys too. I will hate the day that he is too embarrassed to be around me in public.
  9. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    A thought occurred to me the other day that may apply to some here. If you still use a VCR in your house, please come to the 21st century. If you use it to record stuff, look into a DVR or Tivo (hard drive recording). BTW, if you keep your VCR mostly just to play your old 80's "adult movies" you're a sad, sad person.

    Here's another one. Dial-Up...............come on. Really? How can you keep on using it if you've ever experienced high speed internet? I compare it to riding a camel to Disney World instead of flying. You'll get there either way but just a WHOLE LOT faster flying. Some of you, well not here if you're a forum person probably, but some of your backwood, acid washed denim wearing neighbors probably still pay 23.99 a month for AOL. Sad.
  10. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Argh! I'd fooled myself in to believing today was FRIDAY!!!!
  11. dbs241

    dbs241 Well-Known Member

    Does anyone here play the Breaking Bricks game on the Games page? I see some very high scores and would love to know what the strategy is for those scores. My highest so far is just over 207,000 and the highest on the board is 558,173 by GT. How'd they do that????????
  12. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Okay then. :confused:

    Well, we have don't have dial-up (thank goodness!) we have RR, but we do have a couple of leftover VCRs that the kids use to watch the few VHS animated movies we have left. I didn't see the point of replacing the Disney movies my younger kids will eventually outgrow just because we got DVD players. You have to know, though, that I have a 20 year old - so I've had the VHS tapes for quite a while. :)
  13. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Is it 5:00 yet, long long long day:x
  14. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Hopefully that day will never come. I think some things should just always "be".

    Have a great weekend,
  15. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Had to...you stood me up :jester:
  16. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    They are racing at Bristol this weekend. I am homesick!!! They are showing scenery now around the track and I miss my mountains!!
  17. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i feel ya, it is always so cool the closer we get to my Mom's to see our first glimpse of the mountains:)
  18. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Is it Friday yet?? :?:
  19. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Got the kids pictures taken over the weekend and I have to say that Portrait Innovations were absolutely FANTASTIC!!

    Also...My random thought for the day...

    HUH?! [​IMG]
  20. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I <3 Potrait Innovations!

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