That makes 2 of us! Heck, I am getting the same for 2 as a person I know is getting for 1! My ex complains all the time about what he has to pay but forgets I took almost a $200 decrease and gave up the last 2 years of spousal support (only got 4 years any way and decreased every year) to get my divorce finialized and have not had an increase in child support in 11 years since then! He has no idea how much it costs to raise kids, all he sees is the money he is putting out and it is "cramping his style" with the ladies!
One of my buddies pays 985.00 a month. His job pays only 22.00 an hour. He also carries medical on the child. It is a big chunk of money. Poor guy. So, if he makes 40 hours a week times 22.00 an hour, equals 880.00 a week, less taxes, which leaves him with approx. 550.00(maybe less). Don't forget about medical which I believe to be approx. 50.00 a week, that is a guess. Less the childs car insurance which I will throw a number in for this, let's say 50.00 a week. So this leaves a grand total of 450.00 per week. 450.00 per week times four weeks is 1800.00, less child support is 815.00 a month. 815.00 A MONTH. Think about it! That is all he has to live on. That is not including the school clothes and the "daddy can I have?" money. Me and my buddy talk about this often. He is constantly fixing things on her car and around her house. If he doesn't, he knows it will either cost him more in the end or it won't get fixed and the child suffers. Every time the phone rings and her number pops up, he hates to answer. Hope this guy makes more than 22.00 an hour!
Don't you wish when someone says they are going to do something, they would actually DO it! I think I am going to scream this morning! :evil:
or you have to pay an engineer to check out every single crack, board, nail... blah blah blah. Whatcha buildin'?
I hate it when you get a really large, painful bruise and cant remember how you got it. You'd think if it hurts that much NOW, you'd remember the pain of receiving the injury!