So sorry about your kitty Sheri - it's just like loosing a child, well to me and a bunch of other animal lovers. Hugs to you and yours
Thank you! I told her last night, dragged it out and waited till homework was done ect. She at first just tried so hard not to get upset and then she did. I just sat there with her and held her. It was not easy. I didn't lie and I told her the truth and I felt better about doing that. The rest of the night she just sat real close to me and never said anything and just watched TV or played with something that she hasn't played with for a long time. Then she looked at me and said do you think Nikki would be upset if we got another kitten? I told right now isn't a good time cause of Christmas and I didn't have the extra money for the vet ect. I told her that we needed to wait for awhile and she said ok. Then at bed time she said I just really miss Nikki. I was like I know. But, she will bring it up again and again for awhile with Questions once it really sinks in for her. She doesn't talk about stuff that upsets her at first and then in comes out after. I don't push her cause I know that is how she is. She never asked when or how or nothing but I know she will. Thanks again for the hugs and well wishes. The hard part of telling her is it's the grieving part for her and I. Sheri
:hurray: Good for you for telling her, its another bridge in life we cross in dealing with death and was glad to hear you were honest and I'm sure there was a closeness there that helped you both. It would be a good Christmas surprise for her to see a new kitten but do understand the circumstances. I would think if you looked you may find one all set ready to go with min. costs up front. Again you did the right thing which I'm sure you already know this. Good job.
:cry: Bless her little heart. If any of those ^ adorable babies are still available and you want to give her one, I, for one, would be willing to help you with your vet bills (provided you use Stage Rd. Animal Hosp. -- cause they're the cheapest around :lol and I'd be willing to bet others on here would be willing to donate towards that as well. Anyone else willing to do the two stone thing -- help a kitten get a new home while helping to mend a little girl's broken heart? It wouldn't take many people to pitch in to be able to pay for those vet bills!
Thanks, even though I know more questions are coming later..but I'm pretty sure I can deal with it. I feel better today knowing I said the truth. Sheri
That is the vet that I use lol, but I'm still going back and forth with getting another one, of course she would be a happy kid if she did. Vet bills add up and I'm not sure I'm willing to let you guys do that. I would like to help out those poor kitty's. Everyday even before this I also go and look at the shelters ect. Breaks my heart to see all the ones that need homes. I think it's a wait and see thing for me and to see how she does the next few days, I think she needs to grieve Nikki as well. Sheri