I have a southern accent but it's not really heavy. I catch myself putting on more of a southern accent when I'm around a group of people with a heavier accent than mine. Do any of you catch yourself doing this sometimes? I think maybe we all do it from time to time because it's kind of...fun? I think my main reason for doing it is because if I speak using my normal accent people will think of me as a yankee or someone not from JoCo for example. (I grew up in the big town of Raleigh! My mom was born in N.J. but grew up in the south) I do it to kind of blend in more I guess. I know this is some weird complex I've developed but sometimes while I'm speaking to someone with a really heavy southern accent that as soon as I reply with my regular accent the look in their eyes changes somehow!!!!!!! Paranoia will destroy ya????!!!! DB's wife
I probably do it to an extent, but I swear, I can tell who DH is talking to by his accent and voice inflections when he is on the phone. LOL When DH was active duty, we were in Illinois and I used to get so aggravated by the attention my accent got me at times. I hated it!! I actually had someone say to me, "Say that again, that was so CUTE!". :ack: As a result, I worked really hard to tone it down over the years. However, living here in JC has had an impact, LOL.
I have always followed the ole saying......"know your audience".....when im around a bunch of yanks I can turn off my accent or I can make it thicker if need be......I guess you could say I'm bilingual. 8)
@wulf wasn't that chris washburn? @nsane yes, the influx of outsiders has watered down the colloquial. just ask the hoi toiders... actual db, not the wife this time
10-4. with the stereos and the jacking up a domino's delivery boy, i guess i just mentally added that one to washburn's list...
I do that a lot! I'm not even aware I'm doing it until someone says something. I'm from Raleigh too so I was around all kinds of accents growing up. Most of my friends were from up north. I used to try to talk more like them, but not anymore. I'm proud of my Southern accent. It is rare these days - even in Johnston County. :lol: