Abortion pill/emergency contraceptive

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by LifeIsGood, Oct 31, 2006.

  1. whodathunkitya'll

    whodathunkitya'll Active Member

    Why not all of the above? Because it's my job as their parent to teach them about STD's and pregnancy and sex, period. Not the schools or anyone elses.
  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I've been avoiding this thread like the plague, but I have to say, although YOU may be teaching your kids these things, there are a whole bunch of parents who aren't, hence the high number of teen pregnancies, etc. My mother put the fear of God in me regarding "unauthorized" grandchildren, BUT that was also coupled with the facts of life at home and at school.
  3. whodathunkitya'll

    whodathunkitya'll Active Member

    I'd be upset with my child because they have no business needing a condom or any contraceptive while they are school age--preferrably not until they are married.
  4. whodathunkitya'll

    whodathunkitya'll Active Member

    Again, yes I am going to teach them about how to prevent STDs and pregnancies. I know the topic is not hush hush. It never has been as far as my children go. I know it is a real issue and am prepared to do everything I can to teach my children what they need to know. I have far from buried my head in the sand. I had my first child at 16. I made the decision to have sex but I honestly believe it was because my mother was the hush, hush type. If she would have been more open and informative, I believe I would have made different choices. I'm not saying that there are children who don't do it anyway even though their parents have talked to them, but that is what I believe in my case. I also realize there are parents still today that keep it all hush, hush and that the school teaching them might would be beneficial. But, I'll teach my kids what I want them to know, not what society thinks they should know.
  5. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Not all kids are as fortunate as yours, to have parents who can and will really teach them these things. I think sex education should be "opt-out;" in other words, all kids (say junior high and older) would be required to take it unless they had a signed note from their parents saying they would prefer to teach their children at home.
  6. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Excellent dea.
  7. ECUBound

    ECUBound Guest

    my opinion

    I think it is rediculous to take the mess to start with unless you are raped....Maybe having it as a quick access is a good thing but I just wrote a paper on this pill and it just gives teenagers the opportunity to go even more crazy with their hormones and have something to us to cover up what they are doing... And about STDs... if you go out and sleep with multiple people of course you will be at risk for STDS.....keep ya legs closed and u have NOTHING to worry about.
  8. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    I worry that those teens don't understand the risks. There have been grave medical consequences from using this pill. Deadly ones. While they have been few (thank God), the risk is there.

    Vioxx and similar drugs had just a few deaths associated with them, compared to the number of users, yet those drugs have been pulled from the shelves all together. The decision was removed from the hands of capable adults due to the risks. We don't let grown adults - many of them elderly and wise in their years - choose between the pain of arthritis and the risks of taking the drugs that can help alleviate that pain.

    ...yet we'll let teens make the decision alone to take a pill to stop a pregnancy that is soley potential - not a sure thing, and for no reason other than to avoid an inconvenience...even though the risks are just as deadly as those associated with the Vioxx type drugs.

    There are grossly twisted priorities at work here.
  9. ImTheNormal0ne

    ImTheNormal0ne Well-Known Member

    IF it want kill and egg that has already benn fertilized then how is it killing a baby? I dont know much about the pill need to look it up....
  10. ImTheNormal0ne

    ImTheNormal0ne Well-Known Member

    sad that she felt the need not to use a comdon after all our talk about STD's.....
  11. LifeIsGood

    LifeIsGood Guest

  12. whodathunkitya'll

    whodathunkitya'll Active Member

    I stand corrected on this statement already. I posted this before the link was posted that said the pill wouldn't kill an already fertilized egg. This post started out as the "Abortion Pill" post. Then, once the link was posted, someone changed it to include "Emergency Contraceptive". I agree it technically isn't killing a baby. I still say if people wouldn't get themselves into certain situations, they wouldn't have a need for this pill in the first place. And I still say this world is in a sad state and things like this make it worse.
  13. msharris

    msharris Member

    So I'm sure you'd be mad at the child if they got pregnant and then mad at your child for trying to be responsible by getting a condom.

    Dang...that child can't win for loosing.

    I think that's sad, but to each his own. That's what makes the world go around, we are all different.
  14. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Not bad, a rough start but fixed quickly. Sufficent discusion without people getting too ugly about it. :D
  15. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    Can we all say that (some) teenagers have sex?? Is it wrong to want to make sure that the ones having sex have as many options for safer sex as possible?
    Education is the key I know that, but safety is a great second step. Pills, condoms and whatever else that can help them be safer with sex. I know the pills won't protect from STDS but an unwanted pregnacy is just as harmful as a STD.
  16. blessed

    blessed Well-Known Member

    How about just enforcing and re-enforcing kids that abstinence is the safest way of all? If you drill that in their young minds at a young age, they will retain that concept. I've seen it happen. Yes, some still do make mistakes. But they learn from them too. Most aren't going to make the same mistake twice.

    And what business does a teen have with such a delicate matter as having sex anyway? One of the main reasons kids are doing it more and more is because they have more "access" to it. By that I mean they are allowed to go places and do more things out an about unsupervised than need be. I know kids don't like the "chaperone" idea, but you know what? TOUGH. They either get chaperoned or they don't go. PERIOD. They'll either get over it or live with it a long time......

    I agree kids need to be schooled on sexual issues and reproduction, but they do not need the experimentation part.......
  17. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Don't know how or when you were growing up, but the kids now days have alot less "freedom" than when I was growing up. Growing up our parents (local neighborhood kids) would get up a car load on friday nights and carry us all over to the skate ranch on 401S and drop us off between 6-6:30 and then another parent would come get us about 10:30-11:00. We (teens who could drive) would always hang out in the parking lot (which is now a strip mall in downtown Clayton). It wasn't that we were or weren't supervised (most of the time we weren't) but we (the group I always hung with) were taught both at school and at home about sex and it's consequences. Some of us experimented as you put it some didn't. But we knew we would be held accountable for our actions unlike the teens of today that "do no wrong" (atleast in the eyes of their parents).

    What it boils down to is that if you are gonna play with fire protect yourself the best you can or expect to get burned. And if allowing teens access to BC, the Morning after pill , or condoms to protect themselves as well as the rest of the taxpaying public, then by all means let them have the protection.

  18. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    But the morning after pill isn't protecting you against anything!

    If you're worried you may have gotten pregnant, you certainly aren't being protected against things that are far more deadly like HIV or Hepatitis.

    I am not opposed to this pill at all. I am opposed to it being offered without an RX to anyone with a fake id....
  19. whodathunkitya'll

    whodathunkitya'll Active Member

    What I would be upset about would be the fact that my child thought they were responsible enough to have sex in the first place. I don't call it responsible for them to "get a condom". I call it responsible if they make the moral and sensible choice in the first place and practice abstinence. Then, dang, they will win in the end. It is not sad, in my opinion, that I expect more from my children.

    The problem with our society is that some people have the "they are going to do it anyway" attitude. So, if they are going to do it anyway, let's make it easy for them. Let's allow them to have easy access to birth control and contraceptives and abortions and have no consequences for their actions.

    I don't see how handing children condoms is easier or more productive than just teaching them at a young age and continuing to teach them as they mature that sex is not fun and games. What's wrong with teaching them NOT to have sex at all. As I said before, some will still do it. Some will not listen to what they are being taught.

    But, like I also said before, if my mother would have sat me down and told me what it was like to have a child at 16 while still trying to go to school and missing out on prom and living on campus at college, etc, then I honestly think I would have made different choices.

    Point is, I'm not trying to make you change your mind. I wish you would, but, like you said, to each his own. But, I can promise you that you will certainly not make me change my view.
  20. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    Yes waiting is best.... that is so very true but that is not reality. It just doesn't happen that way and that is taking the let me put my head in the sand approach and hope all is ok.

    I also know that Front Pew Betty on Sunday can be Back seat Betty on Saturday night. Teach your kids what is the right thing to do and hope they listen. But there also be saftey nets around. Even the best people stumble in life esp. young ones

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