At what age do you quit taking underage boys into the ladies room? It is dangerous for a underage boy to be in a men's bathroom for 2 minutes unsupervised. A lot of bad things can happen in 2 minutes. The ladies room have stalls. The boys can't see anything so why not take them into the ladies room? Many times the boys really don't have to go. They just want to go in and play. If you tell them they have to go in the ladies room with you, in many instances they make a decision to wait until they get back home.
thats a personal call, clearly I'm comfortable w/ 10 yo and I stand outside the door. What do you call underage? I 'd prefer you not bring your 13/14 or 15 yo's son to join me in the ladies room.
ditto that Kimmie.... I have 2, 11 yr olds that are 5'5, 110lbs and they aren't going in any ladies room I can assure you. I stand at the mens room door. they are told to stick together. if they are in there longer than I think is necessary, I open that door and start hollering in there....LOL.
I read somewhere about a mother who had her son sing while he was in the men's room, and he knew if he stopped she'd be in there PDQ. If he got to the end of the song then he should be done his business and back outside. Gave him a bit of independence while ensuring his safety. (Of course, I wouldn't do this at the train station, but it might be OK at Kohl's...)
I'm still curious as to what you consider underage boys and at what age you would send your son into the men's bathroom?
So you hens don't think it's possible that the childs mother worked at McDonalds? Was staying there long enough for the dad to come pick up? Of course not. Your hens. Judgemental, Self involved, critical hens. I wouldn't do it therefore YOU ARE WRONG. Man. This world is going to hell in a hand basket.
Kimmie all I can say is I agree with you 100%, make your kids mind. And yes I have popped my child's butt in public and will again if he acts up.. he knows better!
I know, you're not bitter. Lighten up SS! I wish I had a sister for you, unfortunately after me they broke the mold (or just decided to stop having kids). Wait a minute, that didn't sound right... :lol:
SS you are so right. 99% did just jump to conclusions. BUT ...yes the but.. the number of "sanity challenged" people with kids in our society lately have given us reason to jump to conclusions. The horriffic stories that we read in the news about battered, abandoned and neglected children... we are hoping in our hearts are not true..but our minds are telling us that they are and then WHAM its confirmed.... So yes I do tend to jump to conclusions now.Very rarely has my conclusion been proved wrong.:cry:
And ya know what SS, either way - the rules state that children are not to be left in the play area unattended. I would think this includes employees. And people like me do not want to babysit other people's kids while I am enjoying a nice outting with my own children. I had an experience similar to this at Chic-fil-a while back and it ****ed me off. I took my kids, alerted management, and left. What if one of those kids fell and I was the only one in there with them? People being so sue-happy (and irresponsible) nowadays - not a good combo for those of us who follow the rules. If you don't want to/or can't take care of them - please do not have them.
Are there more kids being abused, or only more reports of kids being abused? In today's media saturated society, there certainly are more reports, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the numbers of abused has increased. How many times have you jumped to a conclusion and been right?
Doesn't matter one little bit to me if mom was employeed there or not, kid should've been inside in the office drawing with crayons. YOU DON'T LEAVE A YOUNG CHILD UNATTENDED IN A PUBLIC PLACE!!!!!!!! If mom was "working", there was no way she could've been watching every minute that the child was out there. It doesn't take but a blink of any eye for a child to go missing, one good example would be the child that was abducted a couple of years ago the school bus stop, very close to the front lawn of her home and mom only very briefly decided to go to the kitchen for more coffee and came back to look out the window to find her lovely 5 year old gone for ever. So, be as immature as you seem to be and call us mothers all the names you like, because I'm sure we could come up with some good ones for you but have better manners, we'll reframe at this time.