The northeast corner of the traffic light is composed of two pieces of property that are commercial. Combined they are just enough land to support a Target or Home Depot based on an average lot size of the other Targets and Home Depots in the Triangle. About 350-400k sq ft of land, 8-12 acres or so. That is assuming that 100% of the land is build-able and not swamp. There is not enough land to support a Target AND a Home Depot though.
There's a charter school going next to the Walmart in Clayton on 70 Business. I can't imagine one going up across from Walmart at 40/42
Lidl is a great grocery store, especially their in-house bakery, cheese, and wine dept. I'm hoping they'll reconsider building somewhere in Clayton in the near future. I mean, if Sanford can get a Lidl, then why not Clayton?!