What..you think i was trying to be hurtful or rude? Wrong. Tangy said to take him off his meds and find a new doctor. When Frame said her son was 10 and been on the meds since he was 5, of course he doesnt remember a time when he was not on the meds.....there is no frame of reference for it. He cant tell anyone how he "feels" really because he only feels what the meds let him. I agree with Tangy. Remove the meds and find another doctor or at least get another opinion to see if they think the kid needs the meds as well.
What is wrong with you folks? How many unfortunate news stories arise because someone went off their meds? Talk to a different doctor before doing something like this.Please!
well of course don't take him off before talking to the dr. some meds you can't get off cold turkey. that is common sense. it is a shame that so many kids are having to grow up being medicated for years on end.
I have quite a bit of experience w/ antipyschotic drugs, stimulants, etc. I have dealt w/ major behavioral and mental issues. I am NOT an expert by any means even though our neurologist likes to hear what I have to say when we are thinking of changing up meds. Okay, here's my "take" on the situation the original poster had. First do NOT take him off meds it will most definitely cause a biochemical reaction that will end him up in the ER getting pumped or until the half life has had a chance to work through. Trust me, I've lived through this w/ one of my kids. It's horrifying. Meds of this nature have to be gradually taken down. If you decide to go off meds, explain to your son first. We've tried to go off meds many times but unsuccessfully. However, if this is just ADHD/ADD, chances are, he may have outgrown it by now. A good majority of children will "outgrow" ADHD once their bodies mature more. And at 10, that may be what is happening. As far as the lunch room incident....sounds like a boy being a boy trying to pull a stunt in front of friends. My kids have all tied something around their neck. Trust me, if he were manic from teh Adderall, you would know it for sure. their behavioral changes are intense. I've had one go into tics and a manic state where she cracked all her teeth. I suggest you speak w/ your doc about options. I would advise highly though weening him off slowly if you decide to go off meds. As for ADHD, some teens will self-medicate w/ coffee for the stimulant effect found in some of hte meds. Our neurologist actually suggested expresso. We don't but it was suggested. Meds are not something to be taken lightly. I used to be totally against them until I've seen some of the episodes not many of you could possibly phathom. Sometimes meds are necessary for survival. Sometimes, they are definitely not needed. Each situation is totally different. I have one who is ADD and I do NOT medicate him. However, 2 of my other sons are medicated for various disorders. It is a parents' decision and one that is SO incredibly hard each time. These drugs have long term effects that have yet to be determined in many cases. I try extremely hard not to medicate and if you do, do the research before you choose a drug for a certain disorder. EAch brain is different and each drug will react differently for an individual. Also, as kids grow, dosages need to be adjusted. Also, do be very careful when it is preteen age as they will interact w/ the hormones. Just watch is all I'm saying. The neuros don't "get it" in regards to the hormone interactions. Good luck w/ whatever decision you make. I know it is difficult. Been there myself. Oh, do make sure you are going to someone that is not just a regular doctor. Neuropyschs or developmental peds are usually more informed on the ADHD track. Take care, Stephanie--mom to 7
Pubertity can cause a change in how your son's body is reacting to the meds. A friend's son is on the patch someone else mentioned. It appears to be working well for him.
Adderall and Ritalin are pretty much synthetic cocaine. In short, they stimulate the brain that is understimulated. Frequently, a child will be diagnosed A/HD when in reality they are actually gifted. If they take either drug and they speed up, they are NOT ADD. Unlike other drugs, they do not build up in the system. Hence, they either work or they don't. Commonly, a child will be upped on dosage. They will build a tolerance level in a rather short amount of time. Keep in mind, anti-depressants can exacerbate symptomatic depression. In short, the child will continue their destructive behaviors, but won't care about consequences. Diet modifications and vitamin supplements work great in most cases. You could lower carb intake, increase protein, introduce chamomile, and supplement with fish oil, magnesium, and a B complex stress formula. In addition, a good exercise regiment will decrease energy. He might have just pulled the stunt out of boredom. I can't say without knowing all the variables. Yes, ADD kids are weird, but so are the gifted ones. Most of the time the 2 conditions run together.
there are other drugs otu there with less side effects that work. my childs dr wants to try them out on my sdon this summer (dont want to switch in the school year) I would ask your dr about them and research them. I will be honest i cant remember the name of the medicine cause we decided to not use it at this tiem I wish i could help you there. But my son sees a great dr at teh mental health in smithfield that really looks out for the kids best interest.
Grind....Love ya hon, but it was a little crass. Some people just don't take things well when said that bluntly like you and I can......
Girl, I'm a grown woman and I only take 25 mg. a day of Adderall. I take it because I have adult ADD and have a hard time focusing. It helps me tremendously, but there is no way on this earth I'd let my children take it. It is a high dose of amphetamines and a class B drug and is strictly regulated. I have to actually go to my Dr. office once and month and pick up the script and take it to the pharmacy and show ID and get it filled. Here are the side affects...SIDE EFFECTS: Side effects of Adderall include excessive stimulation of the nervous system leading to nervousness, restlessness, excitability, dizziness, headache, fear, anxiety, tremor, and even hallucinations and convulsions (seizures). Blood pressure and heart rate may increase, and patients may experience palpitations of the heart.
My son was also diagnosed with ADHD at a very early age and we held off on medications as long as we felt that we could. He was on several and the last one he was on was Adderall. Not long after taking this one night I thought he was going to lay me out at Belks for not purchasing him a pair of jeans that were at least 4 sizes too big. After we got home he cried saying "I hate the way this medicine makes me feel" we too made a Drs. appt. and that same night he woke up saying that it felt as if an elephant were standing on his chest. This was the beginning of several trips to Chapel Hill for a pediatric cardiologist and numerous tests he had to go through. It was determined that he had developed a heart murmur at the age of 12 years old. He was made to quit playing football and all sports. That's when I stood up and said enough is enough and he has never taken another pill for ADHD. We made modifications in his classroom for each subject and had an IEP put in place. Yes, after dealing with a child with ADHD for several years I see this as a disability, they can not concentrate and there is a reason, therefore they have a hard time learning compared to a child with out ADHD. Does he still have problems, Yes at the age of 20 still occasional chest pains that have been monitored, he works very hard sitting in front of the classroom for all his classes, tape recorder anything that would/could help - did he graduate high school - Yes - is he attending college Yes. Please get your child off this medicine - get some things in place in school. This medicine can cause side effects that your child may deal with for the rest of his life due to trying to find a quick fix for his problem. I have been were you are and if a parent has never dealt with an ADHD child, one piece of advice you can't just set them down and talk over what they did or are doing, they are not wired that way. Smart, special, intelligent absolutely in ways that you can not even begin to imagine. Please get him off this medicine.
GET A NEW DOCTOR! Any doctor that ignores this situation and is willing to take the chance of this kid doing harm to himself or others isn't worth the risking your child's health or life over and needs to find another line of business. Call someone else on your perferred provider list and find someone that will see him ASAP. Good luck and I hope everything works out for him.
In all actuality, Strattera is actually an antidepressant marketed for AD/HD. ADDers should avoid antidepressants if at all possible. They continue to manifest behaviors, but could care less about consequences. So, the symptom (behavior) is alleviated leaving the underlying problem (hyperactivity/hyperfocus) unaddressed. Side Effects
My friend's son was diagnosed recently and they put him on one of the medicines, and it had a similar effect. He didn't try to harm himself, but he talked about it. I can't get in touch with her right now, but I am going to see if it is the same thing. My daughter is on Concerta and her self esteem has actually gone up with the medicine. I would demand the doctor change the medicine. I never agreed with medicine, but now I see that it can make a difference. We were failing the 3rd grade and now we have all B's and C's. And this is all since the medicine.
He has been taken off the meds, I threw every last one in the toilet and flushed them. I am not taking any chances with my son. I am going to find another doctor for him. I have taken him to a counselor since the baby died, and from what they can tell, he is not bothered by it much, probably since he never got to see the baby, it was never real to him, he was more upset because he saw how much it upset mommy and daddy. A stunt? Maybe. Attention Getter? Maybe. But would you take that chance with your child? I bet not. Grinder, for the record...I didn't think you were being rude, not many people understand the things I have been through, and the ones that know me, know I am pretty strong. I love my son more than life itself, and I am going to do everything in my power to protect him. He was a bit unruly in school today, could not concentrate much, but I explained this to his teacher, and she is pretty understanding. Chris is like a Fungus, he can be tough to handle sometimes, but he grows on you pretty fast, then you are stuck with him. (in a good way) Thanks for all your support guys, I will keep you posted, Ya'll rock. Hugs, Brooke
Thanks for keeping us posted. Here's hoping you find the right solution for Chris, and for the family. Thoughts & prayers, still.
I would think about having him tested with someone at Holly Hill or somewhere. You would not believe the kids that are at Holly Hill from ages 4 to 12 that have tired to kill themselves, it's awful. Get him help now, not just with your family doctor either.
Actually I take it myself. It can be used for both. Two of my sons take it. ALL DOctor recommended over Ritalin and other drugs. Are you going to tell me you know more than my doctor, My sons doctors at Duke? Studies have shown that a small number of people (especially children/teenagers) who take atomoxetine for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may experience worsening of their condition, other mental/mood symptoms, or suicidal thoughts/attempts. Therefore, it is very important to talk with the doctor about the risks and benefits of this medication (especially for children/teenagers).