The guy that Simon made fun of...with the bulging eyes and basically told him that he looked like a monkey...what was his name...does anyone know. Thanks Ro
I don't remember but I felt so sorry for the guy, he can't help the way his eyes look. I wish Simon wouldn't make fun of people's physical appearances like that, it makes me want to smack him upside the head when he does that. :evil:
Its suppose to be a family show. I understand if they are making fun of their singing and all but physical appearance...come on. The kids that watch the show is going to think its okay to make fun of other kids with physical disabilty or their physical appearance. Its so wrong. I do feel bad for the guy even his friend who is on the heavy side, he seemed lil slow but it didn't stop him from coming on to AI. That takes a lot of courage.
The people who come to AI for the most know they stand no chance of making it to Hollywood. They just do it hoping to get their 3 minutes of fame from being on one of the try out shows. As for Simon cutting on people for their talent or lack of talent or their looks or lack of looks. I think it's fine and dandy. I mean after all it is called American Idol, and they are looking for someone that they can market to the rest of the country, and face it most of the rest of the country is very much first impressionalist based on how a person looks. As to AI itself I have thought from day one of the first shows that the crap is rigged, same with all the other "reality" shows. There was a show on Discovery not to long ago where they were interviewing some of the reality show cast members and producers and one of the producers said that the only real reality show on TV now days is Cops. That the rest of the "reality" shows manipulate situations to create certain "wanted" outcomes. Craig
lol i liked the 'jesus/castro/osama guy. i thought he actually had a suprising voice for his looks, but as they say, don't judge a book by it's cover. he might go far just based on his style. it'll be interesting to see i suppose
very true. did anyone get the chance to see the mandy moore movie 'american dreamz'? it kinda sums all that a complete mockery of American Idol. check it out if you haven't. it'll give you a laugh...especially hughe grant playing a simon type role
An organasm? Isn't that when an organist builds up to a grand finale, plays all the keys at once, then gets dizzy and falls off the stool? I didn't see anybody playing an organ. :lol:
she was so horrible I couldn't stop laughing... it took me about 1/2 way through her song to figure out she was singing Lady Marmalade. Did she think she was going to be the next Christina Aguileira?? :roll:
What about the girl that wanted to be the first American Idol that can't sing! LMAO! She was a trip! Heck if that's what they were looking for I would qualify! :lol:
Oh my gosh, she was wacked!!!! If you know you can't sing, you don't enter a singing competition! I did feel a little bad for the girl before her. She wasn't bad on her first son, but her second song was bad. Oh and what about the guy at the beginning of the show that was so full of himself and his boa? I was scared!!!! :lol: