AIG Center Closing

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Emma Caroline, May 16, 2011.

  1. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    The Center is closing. However the teachers will be moved to various schools. All the equipment, and the bldg are already paid for. The bldg will still be used for admin, except i guess, the basement which is where the classes are held.

    What will the real savings be? the cost to heat and cool that square footage? what else? the bus to and from? not lunch as they can use their same number so thats no difference. I dont see the saving they are listing.

    I have only had 1 response to my previous e mail, but i will send this question onto the same people to see what they say.
  2. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    Following is the e mail i received on cost savings.

    "Mr. Ferris, as far as the savings calculation and the savings issue, you would need to discuss that with Dr. Croom or Mr. Art Stanley, our finance officer. Yes, the teachers will be relocated. I am sure that someone will take care of the guinea pig.

    The building will NOT be used for administration. We are currently in the process of moving everyone in the building out. The budget has been a tremendous setback for all of us, all programs, and all personnel. It is unfortunate, but something that is entirely out of our hands.

    I, along with the gifted program specialist, are working hard to ensure that services are provided for all AIG students and that we put in place research based curriculum opportunities for our students. That is our guarantee.

    Thanks for your correspondence. Chris

    Chris Godwin, Ph.D.
    Executive Director for Academic Programs
    Johnston County Schools
    501 S 2nd Street
    Smithfield, North Carolina 27577
    919-934-4361 x 372
    FAX 919-934-1857

    Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. --Henry James"

    Chris Godwin is the only person who has responded to my questions.
  3. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    Chris Godwin also replied to my e mail on what will happen next year. following is the reply:

    The grouping practices for the AIG plan have always been that no less than 4 AIG students are in a licensed or endorsed AIG teacher. Next year, in response to the budget situations and the work we have done within our district on flexible grouping, schools will determine how to best group, with one of the options remaining the 4 cluster group idea. Some schools will work to have more in these groups. We are excited that the conversation has begun and that all students are in the discussion at this time. I think you will be pleased with the direction AIG is headed. Chris

    Chris Godwin, Ph.D.
    Executive Director for Academic Programs
    Johnston County Schools
    501 S 2nd Street
    Smithfield, North Carolina 27577
    919-934-4361 x 372
    FAX 919-934-1857

    Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. --Henry James
  4. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I don't get it. Why do the AIG students needing their own building anyway. My oldest graguated from JCS. He was in AG classes. Never went to a different school. Just an AG only class. What are they doing for the kids in the Early College Program now?
  5. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    AIG center is only for elementary. they will be going to a cluster system (combining AIG kids into a few class rooms) , which i what my son did in 2nd and 3rd grade before he started going to the center this year. That will not be a bad option. He really loved going to the center and the things that got to do.

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