You obviously didn't read the article , It states that her kids were NOT invited to all of these meetings and such . Go back and read it , big difference between company and government meetings :x
Obviously I would know what I read or not, and Sarah Palin noted the kids were invited... only SOME said they were surprised when they saw the children not ALL and some said that Plain requested her children to go with her. However, if I had the means to take my children with me I would too. So I did read the article and was only stating what "I" do on "MY" husbands trips that is all.
Heck...this woman is d----d if she does and d-----d if she doesn't, horrible person for taking her kids, she would be a doubly horrible person if my goodness she went on these trips without them!!!! What kind of a mother does that?????? Ain't worth talking with your vote.. :neutral:
All im saying is its NOT right that the government is paying for this women to bring her kids with her , Your damn right i would want mine with me as well but WOULD NOT let the government pay for it ..Oh and someone said shes damned if she does and damned if she dont , Yea she is for wasting gov money to doing unnecessary things , Like bringing her kids whom were not invited and paying for hotel rooms for them , They stayed in a different room then their mother , Again wasting money . She needs to pay for those things from her and her husbands personal accounts . But i guess im wrong for thinking that's the RIGHT way of doing things ..
Nope, certainly not worth talking about fraud and wasting tax monies. Hey the taxpayers have plenty of it, just let them pay some more.
Seriously, it seems to me she is unable to see what is and is not ethical in the actions of a governmental employee/officer.
This is what's wrong with America now.People not putting family first.Big deal she took her family with her.
No, I think you missed the point. When Tony Knowles, the previous governor, took his kids with him, he paid their way.
So you would not mind paying for say Obama's family to travel with him so he can put his family first? You see, that is the problem. It is not that she took her family with her but that she had the taxpayers she represented pay for it. If she had paid for it herself there would have been no issue.