Once again yes that's great she took her kids and which she should , But pay for it yourself ! Not with states money , government money , OUR money ..Do you understand ? It has nothing to do with her children , Its with her wasting money . Your just as bad because you think WE should have to pay for this ! I would feel the same way if Obama did this ...It goes both ways , wasteful
Why should anyone be glad the taxpayer is defrauded into paying for the personal benefit of ANY politician? It seems there is a doubl standard in your mind. :nopity:
No your stupidity isn't hurting me , but you are going to be reported ..And i hope he finds out your other name , so he can delete you for being so disrespectful . You sure wouldn't say that if you were in front of me , you would only be so disrespectful because your hiding in front of your computer ..
Some people play video games for fun, some exercise, some sew, some get on a message board and try to cause havoc. Whatever floats your boat I guess.
I read the post and the aide to the person being questioned is not in a position to make any official judgement of ethics by definition. The "representation" of the state had been refuted by interviews with the people directly involved with the invitations.