I agree, $21 is the high end however it is the amount most of these politicians are using to "have the Food Stamp Experience".
It's sad really sad! Just a question here since it did go off into politics which really bores me, but how many of you here really has been on food stamps? Sheri
Not as a child either. As a adult for two months and it wasn't fun.. But, I did what I had to do for my kid. sheri
I went to the FNS web site and used the tool to see how much I would qualify for if these were my circumstances: Myself 45 yo My daughter 16 yo Annual income $10,400 (200 wk) Rent of $650.00 Utilities of $200.00 mo. Result: It appears that you may be eligible for Food Stamps. Based on the information you provided, you may be eligible for between $237 to $247 in Food Stamps per month. That's hardly $21.00 a week. And just for the record, I redid it with the same info, only this time I stated I was not a US Citizen, but rather, that I was "other". The amount was the same.
Just noting that the IRS may be coming to your door. You just listed monthly income of $800 and monthly expenditures of $850 and they are going to be looking for the other income you are not claiming.
As if you did not know there are more than 4 weeks in a month and the figure she used was ~866.67 per month .... :lol: :lol:
Still, 16.67 for all other expenses besides rent & utilities? She must work at home, so she never has to put gas in her car!
But if you claim enough dependents there is nothign withheld and there is still no additional earnigs to come after .... taxes maybe but not additional earnings ...
You are trying to use logic with the KGB....I mean IRS. They would come to investigate any potential additional earnings.
According to this chart a family of 2 with a gross income of $17160/year could get up to $284 in food stamps per month if they are a citizen or are under a specific immigration status. http://www.dhhs.state.nc.us/dss/foodstamp/index.htm#citizen Citizenship/Immigration Status Each member of the Food Stamp household must be a U. S. Citizen or an immigrant admitted to the United States under a specific immigration status. Citizens and eligible immigrants must also meet all other Food Stamp Program eligibility requirements to receive assistance. Income All households must meet an income test to receive benefits. Income limits vary by household size. Income Reference Chart FSU SIZE GROSS INCOME MAXIMUM BENEFIT ALLOTMENT 1 $1062 $155 2 $1430 $284 3 $1799 $408 4 $2167 $518 5 $2535 $615 6 $2904 $738 7 $3272 $816 8 $3640 $932 Each Additional Member (+369) (+117)
Why? You've never had your monthly bills total to more than you are due to have come in? Since when is a cash flow deficit a tax crime?
Every month.........dang Secret Service will not allow me to use the same plan as the government and just print some more . It is not, but the KGB is nosy.
I'm not sure about that, but I know when I did it I was between jobs, lost one and was looking for the one I got now. The first month I wasn't work no money coming in..they gave me 175 for that month and I wasn't working, no childsupport, and my unemployment wasn't approved at that time either..so don't let the website fool ya. They are full of it, then I when I got my job making 9.30 a hour I reported it and they knocked me down to 25 bucks a month. Of course that isn't what I make now, but still don't believe everything you see..plus they treat you like crap as well. I have made sure now that if that (knock on wood) were to happen again I have enough to stay off it for a least 3 months or more. I will not put my self through that kind of degrading again. Two months is all it took for me, and I was honest. Sheri
that sounds about right. and a person can buy a lot of groceries with that amount of money. remember you can't buy paper products and such...