**Huffy*** I think that's a southern term. My Mama used to say "Don't git "Huffy" wit me young lady!" followed by I brought you into this world and I can take you out!!! LOL I said this to my child recently and cringed! I AM turning into my mother!:lol: On another note...my husband is from PA and says Crick instead of Creek and it drives me insane!!! You get a Crick in your neck and you swim in a Creek.
Another thing my wife seems to find funny is when I say "switch off/on the light". She prefers to "turn off the light", but I say you don't turn anything when you flip the switch. And how do you pronounce the word "route"? Does it sound like "root" or "rout"? I say it's rout.
a couple i grew up with in VA that i have gotten teased about both in MD and in NC - "toad ya" (instead of told you) and "upinear" as in they came right up in here but pronounced all as one word - i had to train myself to say it right:lol::lol: