Should be David Cook...if it's not then these dang teenagers need to go to bed and stop running up their cell phone bills. :lol:
2 different styles of singer now. We give the nod to Cook, as he is ready to hit the stage. We prefer Archuletta as does C6, but we think that Cook will win the title.
I agree!! KC/DC all the way. Did y'all see that when they showed the footage of Kansas City? I thought it was cool.
I think Archeletta will win just because all the young girls are voting and in love with him. I actually prefer him over Cook, although I think they're both great. Cook just seems to scream a lot to me. But I think he'll probably outlast the other once albums are released.
I think he was genuinely overwhelmed, I really thought Archuletta was going to win, very glad David Cook did. 8)
Really thought it was going to be Archuleta after Tuesday night but I'm happy for David Cook. Right when Seacrest was announcing the winner, our DVR quit! He said, "The winner of American Idol is......David......" QUIT! We scrambled to get online real quick and find out but missed the reactions! I'm sure it will be everywhere today.
:hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray: Yea David Cook!!!!! :hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray: David Archie (is what I call him) is a very good singer, but he doesn't have the mass appeal that David Cook has. The swooning teenagers and "claymates" would be the ones attached to him. David Cook is more main stream and can go pop. Just a much more marketable musician....and OMG I love that scruffiness :drool: :mrgreen:
I think David Archuletta has the better voice but I agree with your summation of David Cook. I'm sure both will be very successful. If I were a betting man I would have put my money on Archuletta for his singing ability alone. Oh! And by the way, I haven't shaved in two days.:jester: