I think Johnston City would be a good name. It doesn't seem offensive and just refers to an incorporated area of Johnston Co.
Do the plans include adding another exit off 40 to this proposed development area? I recall reading about a prior development plan and think they talked about adding an exit north of 40/42 or to another roadway. I would think 40/42 could not be the only access in and out of a development area of this magnitude.
I remember reading on here some time back that the DOT wanted to make 40/42 a SPUI but before they could to that they would make an exit at where Cornwallis crosses 40.
The plans do not show it, but apparently the DOT has been very involved in the planning process and word has it that the development might have direct access to I-40. Perhaps an exit from the development onto I-40 west so when people want to head back to Raleigh they do not have to go through the 40/42 interchange.
Great idea Harvey! Maybe similar to the one at Crossroads in Cary which is very nice if you are coming from and back to Raleigh.
Just don't design the roads inside the area like the ones at Crossroads. That must have been some good stuff they were smoking when they designed them.
Contact me Hi everybody, This is Andy, the reporter for that article. I'm working on more research and another article, so I could use all your input. Two things: -What else do you all want to know about this project? What issues are important- annexation, traffic? -I need quotes and perspectives from locals- if you live near 4042, please e-mail me at akenney@nando.com or call me at 836-5758. Much appreciated.
Here's the list of proposed names and the background stories: http://4042.com/back_issues/Cleveland_Name_Vote/body_cleveland_name_vote.html Note: That mainly centers around the issue of establishing an "alternate name place" so that at some point a post office could be possibly be setup for the area. This was ultimately dropped when it was learned during a meeting with the Postal Service that an alternate name place cannot span zip codes. Since the 40/42 area includes multiple zip codes, an alternate name place has no value. The discussion of incorporating the area tends to focus on finding a name that could be used, but really is simply an issue of support for the process. Incorporation *was* attempted before and was heavily supported by those involved in the commercial and residential development around the 40/42 area at that time, but the expected support from the community was not there. Archer Lodge has proven what can be done if the support and direction is organized. 8) http://www.incorporatearcherlodge.com/faq.html
great stuff. I havent seen any increased traffic impacts from wal-mart and obviously road improvements would be made for such a massive development. For the people whining, you can leave the area at any time, good riddance.
:jester: Just call it Clown Town and get done with it already There are a bunch of clowns out here so the name will fit. :jester:
I was one of the 6 who voted for Cleveland Grove. My reasoning was simple. There is a grove of trees at Lassiter Farms, There is a grove of trees at the corner of Polenta and Indian Camp. Also Since the area was named after Grover Cleveland. And if you fill out forms where its last name first, first name last then it becomes Cleveland, Grover......drop the r and the , But regardless of name choosen, I still think we need to incorporate before we become victim of annexation to Clayton or Smithfield. Just have to watch the news of all the annexations Cary and Fayetteville does.
The widening from NC50 to US70 Bus is already in the works, if this development is 3 years from construction, the widening will most likely coincide.
https://apps.dot.state.nc.us/Projects/Search/Detail.aspx?find=1169 I originally said NC 50 to 70 Bus, its just to the bypass though which makes sense. Estimated at $32 Million for construction after an estimated $7M for right of way aqcuisition.
We had better start seriously considering incorporation, or someone else is going to decide for us. Who lead the last effort?
I'm all for both, the development AND incorporation. I hate having to drive even to Garner to do some serious shopping. I'm sure if things move forward, the DOT will get moving on the road improvements, although like a previous poster said, all we really need is green turn arrows for people turning left. C'mon, is it THAT hard?
you should really put a group together that consist of residents and business owners so that both sides are represented.. GL its a lot of work!
I think your biggest problem after the name thing is going to be picking your officers for Mayor, and council! They have to be selected before it goes to the senate for approval. If ours pass we have officers in place until our first official election, can't remember that date. But GL in trying to do this...