You didnt strike a nerve, I just noticed that you keep talking about it, plus if I knew whose car that was I would talk to them.. i didnt ever say I agreed with it .Not trying to casue a big fight but. If you call yourself christian which I assume you do then is it your right or my right bash the bride of christ. Even if you were treated badly which I am sorry you were but when people are involved it hardly ever turns out as well as expected should you feel to talk bad about it. If I went to Shiloh or Oaklad or wherever ( both I have never been to) and had a bad expierence then that should be kept to myself because the negetivity you or me portray could be the deciding factor if someone ask christ into their heart.
True...I learned a long time ago not to put my faith in man ..You will be let down everytime..I put my faith in God not man...and I wouldn't advise anyone to go to this church as "they" were my deciding factor not to have a church home anymore which is what I was looking for when I visited there and was let down yet again,Maybe if i can keep someone from going to the "sermon factory" they will find a good church home at Shiloh or Oakland.Do you have what it takes to bring this up to your "pastor" or the sticker ? I doubt it..... Now go to the other discussion forum titled Bible toting people and jump on them too.Maybe you'll feel better.........Latte' anyone it's on me !
Justme, why do you let a bad experience at one church prevent you from visiting other churches and continuing to look for a church home? Surely what happened to you at that church is not the fault of all churches everywhere, or of church "families" in general. There are many different churches in the area, with different styles of worship and a different makeup of the congregations, I think you owe it to yourself to continue searching until you find the one where you feel in your heart, "This is the house of the Lord."
I put my faith in the Lord..not churches or man..I had a childhood friend who's dad was becoming a preacher and starting his own church.I told him if he did I would attend his church.I kept my word and my girlfriend and I attended his church twice a times we were the only 2 in the congregation then there was him and his wife but we still went.When we were ready to get married I asked him if he would marry us .He said yes if we would take his marriage preparation class at his house which we did.Ten days before our date to get married he called us to come to his home.He said he couldn't marry us cause our hearts weren't in it....My wife was devastated..We got the pastor from my dad's church who was glad to marry us...anyway come to find out the first preacher wasn't licensed to marry anyone so he couldn't have anyway and put the blame on us....we have been married for twenty years and have two beautiful children....I have other stories about churches we were members of and man letting us down at them...I put all that behind me cause I had heard so much good stuff about Cleveland Community Church ...then they treated me (us) the way they did and I had enough and just put my faith in the lord not where man is involved you will be disappointed everytime.Church is not for everyone who believes...Yes I grew closer at churches but it was always taken away and I had to start over.
Even though I do attend church, I see that you say that You have put your faith in the Lord. Isn't that what it is all about any way? I think you have your heart in the right place. :-D
Hi all, 'Justme,' I've been there and done that with the church thing over the years. I was raised in a Missionary baptist church on the eastern side of Johnston Co. near Princeton, and really saw some stuff. The spirit of God fell upon the church from time to time but I truly believe a church may hinder or block the Lord from operating. Usually when the spirit fell there was when there was a revival but during routine church services (which you could almost set your clock by the bulletin-pray at 11:00, sing at 11:05, preach, go home and eat), the service was kind of dull. I was amazed at how many of the church members were so concerned about trivial things, like position in the church, where the money's spent, who got a new car, who wore that dress last week, some things worse than these that I will not go into. Honestly, you could drive by the church and tell when a church business meeting was in progress, because there were more cars in the parking lot than for a regular church service. However, my grandmother told me something one time that has stuck with me for many years after her passing. I had voiced my opposition to many of the attitiudes in the church and it affected my attendance in church when I was in my college years. She told me not to let other people hinder me from receiving God's blessing. It truly is a blessing to be in a church where the people come together to truly worship God as a collective group of Christians. (Personally, I'm not sure if that includes a cup of Starbucks in one hand and the other raised to heaven). It is here when God really speaks to us. He said; "where two or more are gathered in my name, there will I be with them." Now do not get me wrong. Churches are made up of men and women, and men and women make mistakes (as you have obviously learned), and by that very nature we must allow God to lead us to the right church. There have been entire books written on the subject of choosing the right church. This is a very important decision that must be entered into with much prayer and even fasting. And once we find our church, we must allow God to lead us in our social interactions with church members. I guess I'm saying in a nutshell: the world is a difficult place, and many more times more difficult when we try to live as Jesus wouldhave us to. Therefore, there are strength in numbers. Do not let the mistakes of prideful, boastful, church members deprive you of one of the most important institutions we have as Christians to keep our faith and remain vigilant. Jesus knew that His church would have ups and downs because it is in the hands of men. But Jesus also loves His church very deeply. I'd like to invite you, Justme, or anyone else to my church. its not perfect but the Lord shows up on a regular basis. If interested, be in touch. Sorry, my posts always turn into novels.
Every Church Is Different - Why must one criticize them It always baffles me why I see such negative thoughts towards C3 or any church for that matter. C3 is a bible based church that spreads the gospel - for those that say it does not, have not attended. No, the sermon's are not a bible study. Not sure where it states in the bible, that a church service should encompass talking about the bible for an hour. Each and every message has bible based Christian values taught within it. Yes, they are building a big worship center and it is for one sole purpose: to provide seats for hurting people. Hundreds upon hundreds have been saved there including many teenagers. As far as the coffee shop is concerned, I can't wait to hang out before the service and fellowship with others. Times have changed and C3 is very relevant and people that go actually enjoy it. I know for many that go there, it has changed their lives. C3 is no better than any other church, but there is no reason to shoot it down. It is doing good for people and its bringing people to the faith. And those that have not found Jesus, they are hurting. I know, I have been there. As far as heaven concerned, the bible is VERY clear here. If you do not believe in Jesus, you will not go to heaven. Good deads or not.
Actually I think you speak for yourself here, I feel much better now that I formally broke away from Christianity, mentally and physically.
Jennandchad, Please don't think that I was criticizing C3. I apologize to you if I sounded as if I were. I actually have no basis to form any kind of an opinion of C3 because I have never been. My wife has attended a couple times and she liked it very much. I guess it all goes back to a common theme here: A Christian or a church will only be judged successful (Christworthy) by examining the fruit it bears. A fig tree does not have to proclaim to the world "I am a fig tree," and yet anyone who comes into contact with the tree will immediately know this is a fig tree, by the good fruit it bears. Remember in Matthew when Jesus was hungry and came to the fig tree and it had bore no fruit within its season. Jesus was upset and made the tree to shrivel and produce no more. A person who claims to the world to be a Christian and bears no good fruit will actually turn people away from wanting to become a follower of Christ. I have seen this so many times. I don't think this pleases God. A church that is truly blessed by God will be continually growing and producing good fruit hundreds of fold times the original seeds that were planted to start the church. C3 must be doing something right in God's eyes ! Godspeed
Justme989 Here is our church site with all the information. We would love to have one and all join us. Any questions, let me know.
Sorry to hear that Hugh, I don't know if you were ever saved or not. But if you were saved, The Lord will pull you back to Him. Jesus Himself said that in, John 6:39 And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.
Depends on what "Save" means. I went through most of the rituals of the baptist religion for a lay person.
Enjoyed this post too. I just think that if people really looked at churches anywhere that you will see good and bad in them all. Every church has those that attend for appearance sake only. and all have those wonderful saints that truly love the Lord with all there heart. If each person went into church with the right attitude and for the right reason, then they would not be noticing what anyone else was doing or wearing. And they too would want to help out in the church, not for church sake, but for service to God in His house. A church is just a building. My church has prayer breakfast at times. With coffee! There is nothing wrong with that. Jesus does not judge His church on whether or not they have a star bucks nearby or whatever.
Hugh that is a wonderful question, and one that deserves it's owe thread. But mostly it is realizing that you are a sinner and that you are lost without Jesus, and you open your heart and repent and invite Jesus into your heart and into your life. and serve him. and believe that He is Lord of all. there is just so much more. I'm going to start a thread so others can help with this.