Anybody know of a rabbit breeder?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Jester, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I had a rabbit when I was little. Of course out in the country we had LOTS of pets! :mrgreen:
  2. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    We stopped by the Garner Pet Store (over behind Merchant Tires) just for quick look-see. There was the perfect bunny that just seemed perfect and was very curious about our child. So...we took him home. He seems fascinated by us so hopefully we chose correctly and he's very laid-back, not very excitable and not shy. Seems like a perfect rabbit for a little boy.
  3. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Good luck with your new family member, Jester. My bunny had a particular interest for the baseboards so watch out ;) .

  4. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    We'll watch those baseboards...and our shoes. We've found he's very fond of shoes. The pet store said he was about 9 weeks old, so he's still a youngin'. We bought a sizeable cage (for indoors) and are taking him out at least once, sometimes twice a day for exercise and cuddling. We will likely try to litter box train him but still keep him confined for awhile with a small litter pan in the corner of his cage.

    From there, we're uncertain what we'll do. Keep in indoors or mostly outdoors? If he goes outdoors, he'll get a secure hutch with an accessible enclosed box and we may add another rabbit for companionship when we're unable to take him out.
  5. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    I kept mine indoors and trained her to a halter/leash. THAT was comical. She finally got used to it, tho, and we had some great outings.

    I had to give her away before I got married, DH didn't like rabbits...actually no pets in the house at all. Anyway. The girl I gave her to said she liked watching TV and would sit on the couch with her. She took her out for daily outings also. Would walk around, play, sit under a tree and feed her carrots, etc.

    Just don't forget that they are a big responsibility for one so small and need love and plenty of attention!

  6. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    That should have been a clue right there. Hindsight, right? ;);)
  7. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Ready~

    Before DH I had a bunny, a horse, a cat, and a 250 gallon salt water fish tank. Before we were married, I had a tank, a horse, and a cat. When we got married, I had a tank and a horse. Six months later we moved, and I was animal-less (and fish-less...said the filter was too loud and I didn't take care of <read: clean> the tank every day).

    In 2000 I "acquired" a baby. DH always about allergies and hating animals in the house (and he's the one who would bury his face in the cat's belly). In 2005 we moved...and Dear Kitty went home to the old 'hood. Pretty sure, now, that it's him. He's well-loved and well taken care of there, so I'm not going to separate him from his new family...especially since his old family isn't together anymore.

    In abt 2002, got the pup. She's still at the house, since she's technically my Little One's. He got out of joint this past summer when she had heart worms and had to have the treatments. DH said I've never taken proper care of animals anyway (paraphrasing for anyone SPYING FOR HIM).

    DH is appropriate then, huh Ready??

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