You definitely WILL be responsible. You should have the information you need to file on your last pay stub. There is a box that tells you what to do if you don't have a W-2 on Turbo Tax. I saw it last night while I was hyperventilating because I thought I was going to owe. :lol:
Here is What to do If You Are Missing a W-2 From the IRS. The dates show last year, but the info (except the dates) applies.
Thanks again. I do have all of the check stubs from the employer. I will give them a couple more days to see if it runs in the mail, then call if I haven't got it. I have no way to get in contact with them.
Filed my taxes last Monday (2/6), and state refund is in my bank account this morning. Federal refund was scheduled for tomorrow based on their refund schedule, but IRS website shows by 2/28. Hopefully tomorrow is the correct date, but I know they were experiencing delays, supposedly due to computer issues.
Went to the accountant last week and she's been working on them. More this year but we have 3 more kids & 3 adoptions that took place. Very pleased as now we can get a new roof! One year, just ONE year, I'd love to do something fun w/ tax money & not medical or house stuff. Still waiting for that. LOL. We do have to paper file though & know for a fact ours will be a long time coming back. Stephanie-- mom to 10
OMG!!!!! We are getting $ BACK!!!! I LOVE MY CPA!!!!!!!! <super duper happy dance> :hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray: ^^^ is their contact page ^^^ Talk To Derek Stroud! Tell him I referred you. LOVE HIM!!!!!