Went to the doc yesterday because I started running a fever. Double ear infection, sinutitis, and beginnings of bronchitis. I;m on 3 meds and doing breathing treatments every 4 hours...sux.
It seems everyone I know either (kids & adults) has the "hacking-coughing cold" or the "plugged up sinus cavity" cold or has had the "which end do I point towards the toilet first?" stomach virus. One person has the flu that I know of. I should probably go see "I am Legend" to see how Will Smith survives a virus!
Hey, girl, you better get better by Thursday! Get plenty of rest, drink plenty of juice, want me to bring you some chicken soup? :lol:
You're so sweet! I stayed home from work today to get some rest. I hope to go back tomorrow! I have too much to do right now! I WILL be better by Thursday!