Are Caps and Gowns required for graduation?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by lookinoutformyneighbors, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    Gee, Up north, the school RENTS the cap and gowns and the students have to return them undamaged in order to receive their diploma. if it is damaged, they get the diploma and a 50 dollar charge (for costs of mending the darn things) But to me, that's more of a fair option. Nothing to hang in my closet and get dirty or mildewy taking up unnecessary space. And since the colors don't change from year to year (girls are white, guys are gold) the rent doesn't go up too much in the budget for the school.....that money comes from all 4 years of the graduating class fundraising. And any monies left over in that class's budget, goes with them to pay for their 10 year reunion.

    I think buying a cap and gown is stupid unless you are in college and going to be working towards your masters, or doctorate...then it's usually black anyways and can just be adorned with cords and such.

    And 75 bucks is too much. That's 2 tanks of gas for me!
  2. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    Online I found a site immediately that sells cap, gown, and tassle, adult-sized, for $16.25. I don't understand why the schools keep using the same company that charges four times that amount, but when our oldest graduated I remember it being the same company, Herff Jones, that provided graduation pictures, announcements, yearbooks, and class rings I think. I wonder if they have some sort of contract through the school system to provide these at outrageous prices? Maybe if we all start calling and complaining to the school or the board they could change it at some point? The squeaky wheel gets the oil usually. Seems like there are too many online options available for these types of things to be paying so much. My daughter's senior picture, for ONE picture--an 8"x10"--was going to be $100 by the time it reached our house. I didn't buy it,it was just the principle of the thing. My husband took her picture himself and we had it developed locally for pennies on the dollar in comparison. One of our relatives printed her own graduation announcements too.
  3. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    We didn't get to wear caps and gowns for h.s. graduation. The girls had to wear a white dress of their choosing, and boys had to wear a white tux with a maroon bowtie and cumberbund. Maroon being one of our school colors.
  4. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I wish one of those expenses would have been to have the ceremony in an air conditioned building!!!!​
  5. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    when I graduated, we all wore caps and gowns with the blue and white sash except for the validictorian who wore gold.
  6. claytonian

    claytonian Well-Known Member

    Came across our son's gown from Clayton High School from 2005 graduation. If anyone wants it, email me and it's your's.

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