AT&T Cell Reception?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by CrzyForBaseball, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. CrzyForBaseball

    CrzyForBaseball Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the comments. It's down to this. I can get 2 iPhone 4's with $200 less up front than 2-Verizon Droid X (the stupid $100 mail-in rebate for each). Then the monthly charges would be $30 less per month with AT&T, but would be capped at 2GB per phone for data vs. the unlimited for the Droid (plus tethering with the Droid).

    The scary part about any of this, is IF you make the wrong choice, you are saddled for 2 years of that wrong choice.
  2. areynolds00

    areynolds00 Guest


    AT&T has a device called a MicroCell. It looks kinda like a cable modem but it give you cell reception in your home using your internet connection. If you call AT&T and tell them you can't use any of your AT&T phones in your home and you are considering switching to another carrier you can get this device for free. There is no monthly charge for this device. Just had one shipped to an employee I work with. The only requirement is that you have either Cable or DSL internet access. The only downside to this is if your power goes out your signal is gone.

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