Attention Left Lane Cruisers!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by DontCareHowYouDoItInNY, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Because you shouldn't have waited til the last second to merge!! :jester:
  2. ShrtnSwt

    ShrtnSwt Well-Known Member

    If I know the lane is closed ahead I will merge right away. But when there is an accident and a lane is closed and all of sudden we all stop and have to get over that is when I stick my nose into it.
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I was kidding! :)
  4. ebabe 1216

    ebabe 1216 Well-Known Member

    <former yankee when i moved here i was like *** people dont use turn signals and if you dont have a nc plate your never alowed into their lane, now after being here 2 years, I find myself not letting them damn yankees in front of me (don't they know how to drive?) the roads down here are awesome, up north they are like parking lots and speed limit is like 55 or less, how did I ever manage to live there! 3 hrs straight crusing from driveway to beachfront hotel on MB (no dont go 95 all the way take back roads after Fayetteville), "gotta golve them GPS'" My life couldn't be any better! (ok maybe if i were rich but ya whatever) go with the flow !

  5. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Obama will let Democrat's drive in any lane they want!
  6. Daredevil

    Daredevil Well-Known Member


    Why someone would ride the left lane to intentionally "punish" the people passing is beyond me. You are taking a HUGE risk that the person behind you is sane,a good driver, etc. I'd rather be alive and have to move out of some "idiots" way.

    Left lane is for passing only. If you arent going faster than the car to your right, move over to the right.
  7. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    I've had a guy point a gun on me with my two kids in the car on I95 before. He wanted me to squeeze between two 18-wheelers so he could get by. Once I could finally fit in the lane, up pops a gun that he points across the girl in the truck with him. I almost poop my pants........I was so mad! If my kids had not been with me, I probably would have side swiped his stupid tail...........he got off the Carolina Pottery exit (which happen to be the one I had to get off) He ran the stop sign at the exit and went down the road Carolina Pottery is on. At the time I didn't have my cell phone so I had to pull into what was back then called Starvin Marvins and call the cops. The licence plate number I gave them on the truck was reported stolen and didn't belong to a tuck. They NEVER caught this chump.
    His face is embedded into my brain and I hope we never meet again!


    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Now here's what I hate, riding home on I40 earlier this week and staying in the middle lane because the right lane turns into the exit for 70 and this Big B**** B**** was so close to my bumper you couldn't have squeezed a tooth pick between us. So, what happens? I tap my brakes. She had to slam on her brakes and almost put herself through the windshield, serves her right. What does she do? Pulls over into the left lane and pretends she is going to sideswipe my car with hers and rolls her window down, hangs half way out and pulls beside me yelling and giving me the finger. I just smile and give a little wave, truck driver beside me gives me the thumbs up and laughs. I saw her earlier on 40 doing this with every lane she was in, riding everyones bumper, didn't matter if it was the left, middle or right lane, she just wanted everyone out of her way. Crazy idiots.
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I never have figured out why some folks think wherever they are going is so much more important than where you're going. If your going at least the speed limit and driving like a sane person, it's all good. It's the ones who weave in and out, don't use signals, and just plain ain't paying attention that might get the middle finger salute from me. 'course, nowadays, it ain't hardly worth it as evidenced by what happened to turtle. So I'll probably just cuss them under my breath and keep going.
  10. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    :iagree: but what scares me is that it is these idiots that cause the accidents that hurt/kill all of us sane folks! Like the a$$wipe that caused that really bad accident on the beltline the other week. (clipped a truck while crossing 2 lanes to 'make' his exit and the one driver was severly burned...:evil:)
  11. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    wonder if he was on the phone...
  12. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2009
  13. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    I'm going to take the other side on this one and say that if you weren't hanging out in the left lane the cars behind you wouldn't have to weave around you.
    Of course, if I'm doing it then it's ok. It's just when other people do it that it ticks me off.
  14. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Trust me, I don't hang out in the left lane. LOL. I'm talking when alll the lanes are full of traffic and some moron is zooming in, out and around cars trying to get a couple car lengths ahead. It's stupid and dangerous. 8)

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