Attn: Cleveland Middle School Parents

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by casidycoop, Oct 28, 2009.

  1. casidycoop

    casidycoop Guest

    And you don't feel like 10 mins is early enough?/? Why should there not be some type of resolve to this matter? How or when did it become my problem that the school can not manage their carpool lane.

    Would 15 mins earlier be more acceptable? Or should our school system communicate better with the parents & find a solution?:confused:

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Late is late, only difference it that its on them. If every kid in the carpool line were to decide tomorrow to be a bus rider, lord have mercy what a horror it would be. There are not enough buses in this school system to handle it. The school system should be thankful that some parents have made the choice to take their kids to school and have some give in this situation, for christ sake most of the parents are talking about only a few minutes, gesh. Been there, done that way too many times to count. JMHO.
  3. seabee

    seabee Guest

    well I'd do whatever is needed to get there on time... :cheers:
  4. seabee

    seabee Guest

    yeah ok.... what if every other lil Johnny is running late to catch the bus and it puts it behind schedule... a parent doesn't have to drive a bus route picking up a bunch of kids... big difference.... 1 vs say 40.... do the math.

    Who's sake????
  5. Well-Known Member

    Eek you guys are making me nervous.... we always just "on time" pulling in the school carpool line and dropping my ds off at 7:56 - 8:00... this week was no different and he said he was not "tardy" or anything else.....How the heck could everyone drop their kids off from 7:50 at the same time if everything over that is considered "late?" that line is a diaster as it is!!:confused:
  6. casidycoop

    casidycoop Guest

    Be glad to..which is the problem 7:55am IS ON TIME!
  7. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    I do have a student at CMS, so I'll continue to agitate.

    Suppose those carpool families did decided to have their kid ride the bus. As mentioned, we don't have enough buses, so start/end times for three schools would be adjusted again, most certainly earlier/later. While I don't mind the long days that most adults have, asking a first grader to be alert and in a receptive mode with having to get up at 630 am to get breakfast and catch the bus, eat lunch at 12, and get off the bus at 4:30 is asking a bit much.

    The car pool folks are already paying their share of taxes for buses and choose to pay out of pocket to transport their children. At least they're not asking for a tax break for not using the school bus, as home school parents have been known to ask since their kids aren't using many of the public resources. Buying buses takes coin, as well as paying drivers to operate them. We have neither available rapidly. And, given the cost of more buses, another school bond would be forthcoming, or else they'd cut the use of activity buses, etc.

    It is patently unfair to penalize the kids over events beyond their control. For those who have to trek to RTP and in Raleigh daily, I'm sure that the bosses understand if I40 is closed for an accident, or inclement weather makes the journey riskier than normal. I also feel that if the bus students, of whom my child is one, are not marked tardy because of factors beyond their control, neither should be the students in car pool.
  8. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    As I understand it, she WAS on time. The school is changing the rules in the middle of the game. You can't do that without ruffling feathers. If she got there one minute before the bell rang, she is still on time. Doesn't matter.

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    I think what we're trying to get across and probably not suceeding is that sometimes its a no win situation. The children are not allowed in the school or on school property until a certain time, usually only a 10-15 window of time from the time they allow your kid in and the time school officially starts. The vast volume in the carpool line makes getting them there almost impossible some days. She's just asking for them to take a look at ways to ease this situation. Clayton High uses a County Deputy to keep the traffic moving/flowing, which for the most part works great. Its just a frustration that is handled better at some schools than others. It'd be hard to understand the frustration unless you've actually had a kid and dealt with the school carpool line.
  10. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Next time read the thread before you comment! :jester:
  11. seabee

    seabee Guest

    If you pull into workplace at 7:55 but elevator was busy and you got to work station 8:01 not 8 are you officially late for work? yes... being on the grounds doesn't count, being at designated spot does...
    one must be adaptable with their time in life, for whatever reasons.
  12. seabee

    seabee Guest

    leave my spoon alone... why would I change now... :cheers:

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    And would you be the one screaming about your taxes being increased to fund for all the new buses that would have to be purchased to carry every single child to school? These parents are doing the school system and those that pay taxes a great favor by taking their kids versus busing them. Once again, there are not enough buses as it is and the system does not have the funds to purchase anymore as is. Just give the drop off kids a break on the tardy issue. My goodness it aint that big of a thing, just a few minutes. Mountain versus mole hill issue in my book.
  14. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    this thread makes me laugh....
  15. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Spoon? I thought you were using a big stick!
  16. casidycoop

    casidycoop Guest

    This is a matter of handling traffic in/out. Your point is correct, however it does not apply to this situation.
    Secondly, why are you so quick not to hold our school system accountable for managing these issues that arise? Do you not pay taxes? It's no ones fault.. in fact this is part of the problem. I walked in to receive help, all I got was defensive behavior.
  17. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Hey I just bought my casket from Wal mart... they sell them now... :cheers:
  18. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    My dear, you still aren't getting it. If it is anything at all like DS's school, there is a large bottleneck due to TIME. It's not an issue of not wanting or making the effort to be on time. Too many cars to get through in the time alloted by the school. If the doors are locked, what are you supposed to do? This is a time management issue on behalf of the school, not the parents.
  19. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    The workplace analogy is incorrect. Your work will let you in prior to start time, correct? The school is not open, period, other than that small window of time. Too many people trying to occupy the same space at the same time.

    Thank the heavens DS is old enough to ride th bus now.
  20. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Nope I don't pay taxes.... I'm part of a special group that live tax free...

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