Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by MommySAIDno, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Ah ha!!!! Thanks mommysaidno!!! :lol: I was panicking that I had to start taking college courses now in order to help my now 3 year old through high school!!! :lol:

    Great job by the way.
  2. Grace Slick

    Grace Slick Well-Known Member

    Gonna scan some items and start a Thread on the Dark Side. You will enjoy some of my memories, I think. You and a few will know these bands.

  3. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member


    And you will be fine, even if you decide to homeschool. My oldest 3 are on computerized school curriculum which is a HUGE help to all of us. The program does an amazing job of teaching and testing the kids, even sets up the lesson plans and everything for me. I still have to help them in some areas and do some grading, but it really is not as bad as many think it is. If you are interested, go to and check out their SOS program. They have great curriculum for preschool-2nd grade (SOS starts in 3rd grade.)

    There is a certain satisfaction in knowing that I have taught all of my oldest 3 to read and am now working with #4. All 4 have been homeschooled from day one. With that satisfaction comes a healthy dose of worries. Like, are they learning enough, am I doing enough, etc. I don't press them near as much on reading as the main stream schools do today. With my first one, I worried a good bit because she was not nearly speed reading like all the other little 1st graders were almost expected to be doing. But, I stuck to the research I had done and kept a normal pace. Now, I can't keep the child in books. (that makes me think of Ken) 8) She reads WAY, WAY above her grade level. I am amazed by her end of grade test scores. And the younger ones are doing fine too.

    Honestly, I feel amazingly blessed to have the opportunity to teach my children. I'm thankful DH feels strongly enough about it to make a way for me to be able to stay home and do it. My job description: Mommy! It's my purpose in this life, what I was born to do. (Not that I get it all right, but nobody is perfect, right? Well, except Ken:mrgreen: ) (j/k Ken, but you are pretty dang smart)

    BTW, my fellow 4042ers even help me out with computer troubles when I have them. I love these folks.
  4. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    :hurray::hurray::hurray: Yay you! I knew you had it! Sometimes that old math anxiety kicks in and freezes our brains, making us think we don't know what's going on when we really do! So just relax and know, you will be just fine!

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