Baby's Closet (children's consignment @ 40/42) closed! Anyone know what's up?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by blessed2adopt2, Jun 22, 2007.

  1. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    good grief man. :?
    Maybe you should try... :mrgreen:
  2. my2girls

    my2girls Guest

    Everybody needs a little bit of counseling

    I am gonna need it after dealing with this thread. He! He!

    Please listen everyone!!!!! If you have a friend that is concerned about recieving their check, please have them email me at directly at, I don't wish to discuss each individual consignor on this crazy thread. I would much rather address each person individually and in private. Thank you again to those that have put positvie comments about myself and the store on the thread. You are awesome!!!
    To everyone else-get a life!!!-Tracey

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