Best Neighborhood for Trick-or-Treating on Oct. 31st?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by KB2, Oct 17, 2010.

  1. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    yeah, no stinkin' renter's allowed, we all know the trouble they cause. 8)
  2. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    When I was little, we'd go trick-or-treatin' all over town. It was all about the fun and not what neighborhood you came from. The lit porch light meant you were welcome.
  3. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

  4. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I definitely understand where some people on here are coming from; as far as not wanting every single kid around coming to just to take all the candy they can. BUT trick-or-treating is supposed to be fun, and for the kids. Good Lord, that's what's wrong with everyone these days, no one can have any fun anymore unless it's politically correct. Let the kids dress up as vampires, devils, angels, Obama, whatever they want, let them go to a different neighborhood than their own if that's what they want to do. Let them be kids!!!! BUT I do not think older kids (13/14 and up??) or babies should go asking for candy, and they should use their manners. We go to every door with our kids, and they never remember to say please or thank you (think they're too excited to remember) but we remind them every time, and when we're in the car (or walking with them) beforehand too.

    I grew up in the middle of nowhere, if I didn't go to the nearest town I wouldn't have been able to trick-or-treat, there were literally 2 houses within 1.5 miles from me. And no street lights, no sidewalks, etc. Thank God no one turned me away because I was an "outsider" I would have been traumatized!!!
  5. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    I make goodie bags for my neighbor's kids and give them to them early in the evening. Then lock my doors, turn off the lights, and don't worry about the others. I did the Halloween gig for years with my boys, but I walked them from house to house. When they got tired, I said 'enough' and took them home. I don't have a problem with all the kids, but I do have issues with the cars lined up the street and parents not getting off their dead butts to walk with them. I figured it's time for me to bow out of the festivities, unless someone comes by for "trick or drink". :cheers:
  6. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Ditto on that! Including living in the boonies as a kid on Halloween!
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I agree with you 100%. We normally go with another family FROM that neighborhood and WALK with our kids. I understand the frustration of the cars, but really? No one outside your own subdivision. Seems a little crabby to me.
  8. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    The only reason we ever drive is if it's raining or FREEZING (we're wimps!!!) But plenty of years we walk, and always plan on it. We could all use the exercise :jester: especially if we're gonna eat all that candy!!! Plus it's fun seeing all the kids dressed up, and it's much safer than driving, or dodging cars.
  9. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    I think it's particularly funny when I've had grown adults come to my door carrying an infant (1 year and under) dressed in it's bunny ears, with no other children...holding a bag for themselves. It's like, Who is the candy for...the child has NO TEETH (and sometimes that applies to the parents) to eat the tootsie roll!
  10. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    looks like I'm in the minority here, but it's not the first time. My wife thinks I'm a jerk too; she's a pretty nice lady so she's probably right!

    For the record, anyone that comes to my door receives a warm welcome, the requisite cooing over the 'lil ones and the offer of a beer (21+ only, thankyewverymuch...) if they're walkin'. The kids get the candy*, but they may also receive a dose of sarcasm if their little hands get too grabby.

    *...the good stuff: no toothbrushes, nickels or popcorn balls here!

  11. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    I agree with this completely!! Our subdivision absolutely believes in the more the merrier, but OUTSIDERS have to be RESPECTFUL of the people that LIVE in the subdivision. So if someone asks you to park your car or your golf cart or your quad and WALK, and even offer a nice safe place to park off the road, then you should do so or leave. The people that live there have agreed as a group to follow those rules and welcome with open arms anyone willing to be respectful and also follow those rules. Why? Because those particular rules make it SAFE for EVERYONE. I don't want my kids to be run over and I also don't want your kids to be run over. So I hope we have another huge turn-out this year and won't even mind if I have to send my husband to the store to buy more candy and goodies if we run out (I like to give out lots of candy, plus tattoos and stickers and play doh, just because it's fun for the adults too). But if you plan to come through in some sort of vehicle and idle it on our lawn because you're too lazy to walk with your kids, and then ignore the homeowners when they nicely ask you to park it, expect us to teach your kids that Obama is the savior, how to swear like a sailor, and convert them to Jehovah's Witnesses while you're sitting on your butt and surfing the internet on your cell phone. But we'll still give them candy and invite them back next year.
  12. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

  13. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    If anyone is nearer to town, Garrison s/d is nice. Right behind Clayton Middle. We went there one year. Yes, we parked and walked the whole time. Lots of people. There were a few there that went all out and were full of spirit but there were a few too who gave us the stink eye. I wasn't comfortable going out of my own area but we did it. DH is the third child in the family. I'm the old lady wagging the finger saying no no no, you can't do that. Would I do it again? No. Would I do it for him? Of course. Would I do it for the kids? They aren't greedy enough to ask.
  14. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I stand corrected. Eldest snot monster just reminded me they always request to go to both grandmas hoods for treats. Greedy little ****s.
  15. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    About the older kids (teens) trick-or-treating...the way I look at that is they could be doing A LOT worse! As long as you actually dress up in costume (homemade or store bought...homemade being the best), I'm giving you goodies and a smile! If you can't bother with dressing up then I'm gonna say something! lol
  16. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    I don't mind the teenagers - even the ones that don't dress up. I remember being a teenager and, as a life-long lover of all things Halloween, wanting to dress up but not wanting to get made fun of. And I agree that there are much worse things they could be doing with their time. I loved how last year the teenagers got so excited about Play Doh. We were handing out lots of different candy and goodies, yet almost all of the teenagers took Play Doh and temporary tattoos. And they were very respectful and kind. Even when we offered them more, most just took one or two items and thanked us politely.
  17. KB2

    KB2 Well-Known Member

    WHOA! So much has happened while I was gone! I never would have imagined that my little question would have generated all this.

    You all crack me up! :p

    I'm glad to know many of you think it is no big deal to go to other neighborhoods outside of your own. Sometimes, where you live just isn't the best place to go trick-or-treating with young kids, especially the little ones ones 4-6. I don't want to drive mine around, I like them to be able to walk it (that is the fun part) But that's is also why I was considering going to another 'hood this year. I LOVE walking around on Halloween, but man have we got some "killer" hills where I live. It is tough on the little ones.

    After all this we'll probably end up just staying around here & walking w/some friends till our legs fall off. :ack: Maybe we'll start really early here & then venture out to someone else's neck of the woods. Don't worry, we won't be in a golf cart or SUV! We'd park out of the way and do it the old fashion way, on foot!

    Thanks for some of the suggestions and especially for the laughs! I hope everyone has a really fun Halloween!

  18. KB2

    KB2 Well-Known Member

    AW, Thank you Tom! We may venture your way!

    I'm used to a lot more kids coming around too. I LOVE it! I actully have missed giving out the candy since I've had kids & have been walking mine around. Halloween was always a big "holiday" when I was growing up. My step-dad always decked out the house & usually dressed up as some creepy man or creature & answered the door in some wacky accent. He made it so much fun, I didn't mind giving up the trick-or-treating at 12 or 13 so I could be home to see him act it up & see the kids coming to the door.

    There was a LOT less kids trick-or-treating here in my neighborhood than I'm used too. I wish there were more.

    Glad you go all out & thanks agian for the invite!

    p.s. I love your humor! :p

  19. Tom Servo

    Tom Servo Well-Known Member

    You will respect my authori-ty!​
  20. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    When we went to Garrison I swear there were almost as many vehicles as people. Start, stop, start, stop. Best I watch where you're going since you aren't... I watched one in my neighborhood pull the kid up the driveway to the damn door. Same thing at the next house. Why not just give me the address and let me mail it in?

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