Black Friday at Walmart

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Chimp, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

  2. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Of course they don't need it. If they did, theyt would have bought it long ago.

    Presents aren't about need. You don't give someone something they need as a present, you give them something you believe they might want, but can't really justify buying it for themselves.

    This may be the crux of the problem some people see with Christmas presents, Black Friday, and the rest. In a nutshell, they just simply do not understand what a present is.
  3. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

  4. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Well i gotta say you are a lucky girl, my DH is old school, he would rather pull a tooth then get stuck shopping in a mob of people. Just thinking of his face if i were to mention it cracks me up:lol: i hate shopping too so i guess we got that in common, but i do love me some Cyber Monday:hurray:
  5. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    So I take it you won't be one of the ones in my way on that day?
  6. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Clif, I gotta say that you have really softened up over the years. I used to think you were so mean but now I'm seeing a side of you that I really like. :cheers:
  7. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Thank you. It's amazing what a little self-reflection can accomplish.

    As long as I can stay away from the political discussions, I'll be ok. :)
  8. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Let your voices be heard!

    Sign the PETITION (one of many on the site).
  9. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Michelle, if I give you and hubby a hot breakfast at midnight, my debit card and a pat on the fanny will you pick me up two laptops on Black Friday at the WalMartS? :mrgreen:
  10. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    You'll have to feed them earlier than that...Wal Mart sales start at 10pm Thursday and midnight! :lol:
  11. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Girl, you need to go online and order them! I don't know where we're gonna start. Amber decided she wants $ for christmas so I'll just be out for the thrill of it and to buy myself some new clothes. It wasn't official until today but I have accepted a promotion at work and I am now in charge of the Marketing Department so I need to dress a little nicer.
  12. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I don't even go into that part of the forum :mrgreen:
  13. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Nope. I'll be at home watching people get trampled only to then complain to the news media about the lack of civility in society. I hope you are not one of them!
  14. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    YEAH YOU!!!! :hurray::hurray::hurray:
    That's GREAT news.
  15. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    true they do. but the items I won't do go on sale till midnight. And now she's telling me I can get them online. If I can, it's on like donkey kong. AND I will still feed them on the way out. :cheers:
  16. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I can't figure out how that works, the online part. There is no info anywhere. I guess be on my computer at midnight?? :confused:

    And CONGRATULATIONS on your promotion! You deserve it! :cheers:
  17. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Congrats Michelle, so happy for you:hurray::hurray::hurray:
  18. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I find that my bail money would be much more than the amount I would save by going shopping on Black Friday, esp at Wal-mart (which I avoid like the plague all year anyway).

    I had an "incident" many years ago over a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle playset. My sis asked me to go to Toys R Us and grab it for her because she was at a work conference and I was off. It was when those things that were sought after and they would bring a case of 20 or so to the store for the 100+ people waiting. I had been there for quite a while and was fourth or fifth to get one of the sets. I put it in my cart and headed towards the checkout because people were acting like complete idiots. I got into the L O N G checkout line and prepared to wait. A lady walks up to my cart, looks at me, looks down at the toy in my cart, and proceeds to put her hands on it to lift it while it was IN my cart. I simple told her what would happen if she took the item out of my cart (I'm sure you can imagine) and said that if it was worth it to go ahead. She looked at me for a few seconds pondering her choices and decided to step away from my cart without the toy. At that point, it was NOT about the was about being common and trifling.

    I do love Cyber Monday though! I also shopped online on Thanksgiving and Black Friday last year and got most of my shopping done with great deals!
  19. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Thank you guys!

    Kell, look at the bf ad scan and if it says available online then you should be able to buy it online at the same time it goes on sale in the store.

    Check out and go to the forums for more info. Those folks are professionals!
  20. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    LOL!!!! Obviously, you've never met me. I'm way too big to get trampled. :cheers:

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