And yet, that was your first (and only) option in your first post. How polite of those animals to not feed their young in front of you. God forbid a couple of anelope had decided to make a baby antelope in front of you. And, in the process, probably made her feel like she was doing something wrong. Yes, lot's of respect there. You do realize that we have a law in North Carolina that allows women to breastfeed in public, don't you? You also realize that the respectful thing to do, if you don't like to see someone doing something perfectly legal, is for you to leave the area instead of asking them to alter what they are doing to please you. Old enough to know that breasts are intended to feed babies and old enough to not be afraid of my grandkids asking what a nursing woman is doing.
Man enough to answer the question :!: For the matter of her thinking she was doing something wrong, I guess she did because she covered up! Not that breast feeding is wrong , the fact of doing it in front of kids is wrong.Thanks for answering my questions. Seems you have your own issues about your age?????
LOL....... if you are feeding your baby , guess they see it. But does that mean you should do it in front of a 6 and 8 year old. I mean come on! No OLD goats here except Clif maybe!
Turtlepits,.......relax. Yes a woman should cover herself, but she should not have to wear a BURKA form Afghanistan inorder to breastfeed in public. No, you did not say that, but one could take it that way because the majority of women DO COVER UP. If they covered up anymore, they'd have to wear a burka. And that is just not acceptable. I have yet to see a woman whip it out in plain view for all to see. And I don't know you or your children, but if it is hard to explain a breasfeeding mother, how will you explain half naked women on tv commercials or two dogs mating? The dogs don't take it in a bedroom, they do it wherever. Or would that be easier to explain? I'm sorry, a natural act such as breastfeeding is a wonderful and, whether you like it or not, an intended thing. Those offended by it have some "breast" issues. Quit worrying about whether you child is going to see a breast in it's intended function and worry more what they'll see out in public with the scantilly clad girls running around and adds for "booby Bars" all over the place. I think that is more of issue than breastfeeding.
Blessed, I agree 100%. I've been around some breast feeding women and never noticed. But to flop it out like this lady, then thats a different story. Do what you wish, All I ask is to look around and see who's around you. MOST "normal" people do it like humans, but for those few who don't, cover up!
Well said Blessed, I don't even see what difference it makes whether the 6 or 8 year old is a boy or girl. Good grief, they see much worse than that on the Disney channel! Besides, it's a perfectly natural thing and no woman should be banned to a disgusting public restroom to feed their baby, that is just WRONG! I breast fed mine for a while and people would walk up to me all the time and not realize what I was doing. Maybe that lady wasn't as discreet, but there are much worse things a kid could see than a human breast performing it's intended function. :roll:
All this breast feeding has made me hungry. Thanks for all you're concern Clif. And once angain thanks for answering my questions directly like I did yours Clif! Until next time, cover those boobs!
I actually wish my children (2 & 4) would see MORE babies being breastfed. I want them to grow up seeing breastfeeding as a normal part of life, especially since it's the most healthy way for a baby to eat. That poor mother was probably mortified at your actions. She wasn't performing a strip show-just feeding a hungry baby. Just like the many times I have been to the zoo and a baby animal nursed. And those inconsiderate animals did it right out in public for everybody to see (I'm being sarcastic!) I know when I was nursing my babies, I prefered to do it in private but I won't do it in a bathroom-it's not healthy! Sometimes there was no private place to do it. Both my babies would pull off anything I tried to use to cover up. I did the best I could and mostly there was less visable than on most of the women around me-the baby herself covers most of the breast quite well. What would be less disruptive- a screaming, hungry baby or a mom feeding her child? turtlepits, did you breastfeed your children? Maybe you're uncomfortable with it because of your lack of exposure?
From what I can tell, he used the word properly. Look it up. Although I did notice that he spelled antelope incorrectly once but also spelled it correctly the second time he used it in the same post.
I have to put my 2 cents in because I am not sure what the big deal is about breastfeeding in public. Its a most natural thing these days to see mothers feeding their babys. They do have to eat like eveyone else and sometimes that don't have a family restroom nor a chair so what are you to do in this situation in a bathroom...gross. Rock on Mothers who breast feed..I wish I could have but due to medical reasons..i couldn't experience it. Maybe 3rd time will be a charm.
I know Clif doesn't need me to come to his defense, but see: from M-W online dictionary. Haven't found to much to agree with Clif on lately, but I'm 100% in his corner on this thread. Breastfeeding should be treated as a normal activity, not something to hide.
Well I admit when I am wrong so I apologize Clif, that I what I get for trying to be funny. I thought you meant Morals
I have to agree with Ken there, our pediatrician, while completely pro-breastfeeding, was also honest in saying that medically, you couldn't tell at 1 year old whether a child had been breast fed or bottle fed. My sister breast fed her kid for a year, mine was only for a few months and mine has actually been much healthier than hers, so go figure.
Well, I get myself in trouble when i start talking like i have some kind of expertise about something, but i'm just dumb enough to do it anyway. Here goes, these are opinions based on an education that included training in child development. Take them for what they're worth, or not. Just don't call my lawyer, please. (i don't have one anyway.) 1. No harm is going to come to any child 6 to 8 y.o.a. who sees a woman breastfeeding, regardless of how much of breast he/she sees. You might see them looked surprized :shock: or giggle but these are natural behaviors and have never been known to harm the child. 2. The best thing to do, as a parent, is to remain calm while explaining to the child what is happening, that it's natural and beautiful (the way God designed it to be, if you like), and that there's no reason for anyone to be embarrassed. 3. The worst thing to do is make a big deal out of it, because then the kids will, well, think it's a big deal and something to get all excited about. 4. The only reason that breasts are such a big mystery in the first place is that we (you, actually) keep them covered up all the time. In places where women don't wear shirts all the time, people of all ages and genders see breasts all the time and think nothing of it. No big deal. But we can't do that here, because all the strip joints would go out of business in a heartbeat. :lol: 5. Clif used "mores" correctly. And quite nicely done, Clif. 6. I think that it is polite to reveal as little as possible when you breast feed in public, but it is perfectly ok, regardless of how you do it. It is also polite not to stare, gawk, or make a big deal out of it when you see a mother breastfeeding in public. (But DO make a big deal about the baby, just wait till the feeding is done.) 7. If breastfeeding bothers you, go somewhere else. Mothers of infants have enough to worry about that they don NOT need to be worrying about whether other people around them are comfortable! (Let me hear a big AMEN from all the sisters out there on that one.) 8. I can't believe that I actually said that breasts are no big deal! Disclaimer: #5 - #8 have nothing to do with child development. Thanks for a great post; I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Snuff
For some reason...I have my doubts about the validity of this tale. I can't imagine the woman just having enough "since" to finally cover up after you confronted her about it. I think most woman would give you an earful before you and your sons got out of there.