C3 Church

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by sherrynewm, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. binarydig2

    binarydig2 Well-Known Member

    I wasn't try to dance around your question. I read your question, quoted above, as to mean if someone had an issue with C3, they would let someone know "below" Matt and Martha and would they (they meaning person under Matt and Martha?) would have authority over the situation.

    I'm sorry if I misunderstood your question. Can you please clarify or re-state the question.
  2. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    How about we open another thread and discuss what church should really be about and how this new "Emergent" church, by consensus, does not touch it?
  3. Clif

    Clif Guest

    By whose concensus?

    Seems to me that at least 2500 people have decided that C3 is a good church. How many do you have willing to denounce it?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2008
  4. JoCoREZ

    JoCoREZ Well-Known Member

    Jeez, my brain hurts.

    I smell something on both sides of this story. :ack:
  5. inthehunt

    inthehunt Guest

    Why should we? Isn't it hunger that draws us to the feet of Jesus. And if the unadulterated, pure word of God is being preached and taught wouldn't you run and tell all what you have heard. Like the women at the well. She ran and told the whole town.

    Clif are we really building His kingdom? or Ours? Is it really about seeing lives changed?

    I don't believe in advertising for the church or the current growth model for churches. It saddens me, grieves my heart.

    I just saw a church leadership conference which included workshops on:

    1. Teaching your volunteers to be friendly
    2. Having a great Lobby presence for first time guest
    3. Picking the right gift for the visitor.
    4. How to have music that appeals to your visitor and put on a great light show.
    5. Marketing that makes an impact for your church.

    Wow. Can't find that one anywhere in the Bible? Must have been one of the lost gospels, maybe Judas'. Just kidding.

    See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. Col 2:8

    I am not trying to argue with you but aren't we all tired of the status quo of a message that doesn't satisfy.
  6. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Probably something along the lines of, getting the people off the freeway and into the church?

    It really depends, are you suggesting that the advertisement is a form of vanity, or merely information that is not readily available without said advertisement?

    Jesus said don't hide the city, build it on a hill. In short, Jesus was saying to let the people know His word was available. I think that's all the billboard does.

    Oh? Is there something in the Bible against it?

    Oh the horror! How dare they have a workshop on how to be friendly! Surely those that put flowers in their lobby or have music that actually appeals to people will go straight to 7734!

    Somehow I doubt you were kidding. Maybe being facetious.

    In any event, so unless it is stated in the Bible it shouldn't happen? I think you are attending the wrong congregation. The Quakers are a bit farther to the north. They are the ones who believe that, if it ain't in the Bible, it's a sin.
  7. Clif

    Clif Guest

    You are not suggesting that "kingdom building-C3 style" is a sin?
  8. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Nope, just clarifying. I thought that's what you were saying the first time, but the second post seemed to show that you didn't agree with my assessment.
  9. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    If they are not hurting you or breaking the law, why not just leave them alone?

    If they are breaking the law please contact the Sheriff with the info you have.
  10. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    Good going hught, you gleaned much. . . .:?
  11. rcmommy

    rcmommy Well-Known Member

    C3=seeker sensitive church

    listen to 3/9/08 message
    my pastor talked about churches in this movement briefly and I thought of C3. It shed a lot of light on subject for me. I don't follow this thread...just thought I would throw this in. Thought it was very interesting to read today about what they have at workshops/conferences teaching them how to's on picking the right stuff for "what people will like". That's the whole idea of the "seeker sensitive" church movement. I even heard about these workshops yesterday. :idea:
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2008
  12. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I thought so, just a number of folks complaining that their fantasy creature is not being praised the way they feel the fantasy being would want. In the end in my opinion it is a waste of time and energy and the only thing that comes from it is everyone gets peed off.

    These people can spend their money however they want, if good comes from it, it is all that much better.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2008
  13. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I hear ya! The best church service I've ever attended wasn't in a building at all, it was in the dirt in a little village in Romania, for people like this who lived in houses like this.[​IMG]
    They were truly some of the needy and hurting people of the world. And it wasn't a great big building with an amazing sound system that they needed, it was THE GOSPEL! The only HOPE those people will ever have is the hope of salvation through Jesus Christ! If only we Christians, and my finger is pointing right back at myself when I say this, would quit playing church in our fancy buildings and start BEING the church... :banghead:

    (FWIW, this is directed towards most churches in the US today and not at any one in particular.)
  14. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

    this is called elder leadership. members are not involved in any decisions. many have left c3 because of this.
  15. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Therein lies a good question. The Bible also points out that everyone of them rejected Jesus' command and spread the news about the miracle. So, Jesus, being God, would know that the people are going to spread the word, so why would He tell them specifically not to? Seems to me He's just setting them up to be breaking his commandment.

    There's a lot of things the Bible says Jesus did which defy explaination. One of these days we'll have to discuss why Jesus would curse and kill a fig tree for nothing more than not bearing fruit out of season.
  16. Clif

    Clif Guest

    And? Have you no better answer for me than I had for you?
  17. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Well see, that just tells me that Jesus was human (cursing and killing the fig tree). I wondered about the "secret healings" too, could it be that it was reverse-psychology? Charity was supposed to be anonymous. I know a healing is not necessarily "charity" but maybe Jesus did not want to come off as bragging and preferred to be more humble? But knowing that the people would spread the word, that he really did want spread? So, if you tell them not to tell anybody... then they will shout it from the mountaintops. I dunno... I just like to type. :)
  18. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    1. The Bible doesn't say everyone REJECTED his command. That is your spin on it. What it says is everyone didn't do what He was told to do. Like you, no doubt. Big difference.

    2. "Seems to me He's just setting them up to be breaking his commandment". I suppose your reasoning also says God set us all up to break His ten Comandments?

    3. "why Jesus would curse and kill a fig tree for nothing more than not bearing fruit out of season". Anyone who knows there Bible shouldn't have to wait that long for an answer. . . . .Got any fruit under your leaf?
  19. Clif

    Clif Guest

    However you want to word it, they did not do as God commanded.

    You do understand there are more than just the ten, right? In any event, for God to tell someone not to do something, when He knows that it will be done anyway, and (according to the Bible) in every instance, what do you think?

    I'm waiting. I have asked that question, without answer, since I was just a lad. That and why was the loving and merciful God betting with the devil over whether one of God's followers would deny Him. Allowing that man's family to be killed, the loss of his property, and be inflicted to diseases. All for the entertainment of our Deity.

    I had no idea you were one of "those". I'm flattered, but I have a girlfriend, thank you.
  20. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

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