The path of "true" Christianity is not for you mere mortals to know .... I am not a mere mortal according to Ormly
All may be God's children to Him but some believe they are closer than others ... as evidenced by the shirts with "God loves me best" and "I am God's favorite" imprinted on the back .... :shock:
see, and i thought one of the tenets of christianity was to pity and help the unenlightened, not ridicule and exclude them. they know not what they do
what a sad, arrogant, bitter person you are. if you think you're doing "God's work" here, you're sadly mistaken. YOU are not the be all and end all spokesman for christianity. i think some self-examination would help you. maybe even some therapy. you should find out why it is that you have such a need to feel superior to everyone else. find out why you need to feel like you are the only one with the answers and everyone else knows nothing. find out the cause of your christ complex. you are not him. you don't speak for him. you are a false prophet
yes, i would. oh, and since you're the only authority on jesus around here, maybe you can explain to everyone where jesus was for 23 years and what he was doing? when you get back home from biscuitville, of course....i realize that it is sunday
I know enough to be able to tell BS from a distance and your posts reek of BS and have nary a whiff of truth ......
You are not implying that you are the "be all and end all spokesman for Christianity are you? That would be truthful knowledge would it not? You are not implying that you ARE Jesus are you? That would again be truthful knowledge then would it not? Yo are not trying to imply that you are speaking for Jesus are you? Again, that would be truthful knowledge. The rest appear to be personal opinions which you freely post as "factual" yourself, such as this recent gem.