Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by d15pwer, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

  2. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    I haven't done it yet, but I imagine if we looked, C3 would take up a lot of space on these forums. It amazes me that they get criticized so much. A church is a business. Unfortunately, the government, electric co., water co, etc, don't treat them any differently, and they still have to pay their bills somehow. And, as a youth pastor, we do have to do fundraisers. Our church isn't very large, and there isn't a large fund, paid by the church for our events. So, in turn, my teenagers have to earn their money. It is up to them to earn the money for most of their fun events. I think this is good for them too, it teaches them that money doesn't "grow on trees." They are learning responsibility.
    And, as far as a coffee shop being in the church. I am so excited that I can go get some coffee, buy a christian book, and let my kids play at the same time. I don't have to drive to Clayton for coffee and go to the park so the kids can play. Oh, let's not forget, it's at a church, and I hope that's a great place for my kids to be and meet other Christian families.
    If you don't like them, just don't go!!!! Bottom line. I don't attend that church, but it's not because they are bad. I just like a small church. I do attend their services once in a while, and rather enjoy them. And, I don't care what type of house they have. Just like I don't care what type of house anyone else has.
    There are some really good things we could channel this energy into, and actually make a difference. Not just waste all this energy.
    And, somehow we all get baited into this same argument every time. I obviously get pulled in too, but we should just start ignoring this mess.
  3. binarydig2

    binarydig2 Well-Known Member

    There is no defending or accusing tone. Just adding a few items to the discussion.

    I studied this story once and learned that one of the reasons Jesus turned over the tables was because the vendors were selling items to people that they would need/used for worship. The vendors were taking advantage of the people who were coming to worship.

    The Starbucks will eventually be a place where anyone, Christian or Non-Christian, church goer or non-church goer, C3 fan or non-C3 fan can come on that side of town and be able to get a cup coffee. The coffee shop has nothing to do with selling people offerings for worshiping God. It is not required for anyone to worship. It will be there for everyone's convenience who would like a Starbuck's coffee without having to drive all the way to Highway 70.

    As for fundraising, C3 does not do fund raisers out in the community. They rely on monies donated to the church by the people who choose to attend there. Even when they do a donation pledge above the regular tithes, they donate portions of those monies received to other various charities (locally, nationally and globally). Just recently, they donated some of the donations raised by their attenders to a Smithfield Rescue Mission. Due to the current building program and how fast the building has been built (almost 3+ early) they truly needed and could have kept those monies but they chose to bless a couple other organizations. Through-out the year, the church does other various service projects for the community.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2007
  4. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Not trying to get into the C3 bashing thing here at all, but just a bit curious about the above highlighted comment. Please explain to me how selling the books to whomever joins a small group (small groups are what they do instead of Sunday School and are held at member's homes) and said book or workbook is required to be a member of that small group is different than the highlighted item above? Please do not take this offensively, i am honestly curious on how you could differentiate the two.
  5. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    I am not trying to be argumentative either, but I've never heard that you couldn't go to their small groups without buying the book. I have been invited along to a small group, and wasn't told I had to buy anything. Maybe I am wrong.
  6. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Every small group i have ever been in we were required to have a book and sometimes a workbook, just depends on what the subject was for that semester. i have actually purchased the material for another member who did not have the money to buy it herself.
  7. binarydig2

    binarydig2 Well-Known Member

    No offense taken at all. My wife and I run a small group and at times we do go through a book for a teaching series. The books are not required to attend or be a part of a small group. My wife and I try and purchase a few extra books so that if anyone visits our group and doesn't have a book or can't afford a book, they don't feel left out. The church does its best to keep the costs down as much as possible. If a book is used for a small group study costs at a minimum, they sell it to cover the cost of the book, not to make profit. Also, the small groups are structured so they are discussion driven and anyone can participate regardless of if they have the book or not. As we all know, just because you have a book doesn't mean you always read it. So we try and prepare so everyone can participate.

    Hope this information is helpful. Thanks for your post.
  8. hrcnsfan

    hrcnsfan Well-Known Member

    I assure you all that purchasing a book is in no way "required" to attend a connect group at C3. The door is open to all who wish to be involved. To require a financial investment regardless of how small it may seem to some would exclude people with true fianancial hardships. Everyone does not have the ability to make extra purchases for various reasons. A book is not required but only recommended and would be provided, by someone I'm sure, if there were a true financial need.
  9. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Once again I'll mak my simple statement that I have previously in C3 posts as well as a few other posts........Don't drink the Kool-aid...or maybe in this case...the Starbucks.

  10. clive

    clive Well-Known Member

    Aw, c'mon. How long do I have to wait for LI-bratz to see post #84 and respond? I just know it'll be entertaining.
  11. justme989

    justme989 Guest

    So you don't support c3 and don't care to go there but my reasons are silly...not very rational thinking little blusdrmr boy ...LoL !!!!!!!
  12. justme989

    justme989 Guest

    Yes, just like no one agrees with your posts..The church did do my family harm.I'll keep on posting what I want clifford.
  13. justme989

    justme989 Guest

    Thank you !
  14. justme989

    justme989 Guest

    More quotes that clifford has taken out of context.
  15. clive

    clive Well-Known Member

    I wish there was a way to enforce an age restriction on discussion boards. It becomes painfully obvious when juveniles post in threads. I just feel sorry for them sometimes when they try to make their point. I guess I just need to be patient.
  16. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Off the coffee wagon (and way outside this discussion)... Would candles, rosaries, statues, chaplets, scapulars head coverings, missals, etc fall into that category?

    I'm just asking .... :confused:
  17. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    Soory Clive I didn't stay up to wait & see I read & you can call me as you wish. I had all the paperwork fromt C3 up until Jan. of this year. Sorry, I would have sent u a copy. It was asking for specific amounts. Again I have nothing against the church I even went a few Saturday nights ago to see if it changed from what I was not comfortable with. To mea it didn't. I mean I do love the music. As for the rest I don't care for it. That specific Sat. night I was there they asked for tithes & offerings in the beginning. Then 3 more times during that service they requested Help with offerings to help pay for the over budgeted amount for the church. ie: you have an indoor playground that they decided on-which is great for everyone & extra money they didn't realize for certain media things they needed. Nothing negative about all this. I understood. I felt the service was all about what they needed. That is not for me. I gave it a second chance based on what was written on other posts before. For me this is not the church. For others yes it may be

    I would be willing to try it again however it makes it very difficult when you see things from the outside & that is all I was trying to say.
  18. clive

    clive Well-Known Member

    "Soory"?? I'm not sure what that means..... Oh......Sorry? I'm sure. "Call me as you wish" should read, "call me what you wish", "To mea it didn't" should read, "To me it didn't", and "you have an indoor playground" should read "they have an indoor playground". I don't have one although it would be really cool on rainy days. Oh, wait.....I'll be able to go to C3 and have coffee and read a book while the kids play on their indoor playground!! Now how cool will that be? You can come along and we'll all........... but I digress. Perhaps we'll also save any further grammar and spelling lessons for another time.......unless it all just gets too painful to read. As I stated before, you did NOT receive a letter giving you a specific dollar amount that was formulated SPECIFICALLY AND ONLY FOR YOU as you are trying to lead everyone here to believe. (Liar, liar, pants on fire!!!):mrgreen:
  19. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    I stand corrected-found it

    I actually got a bill from C3. This is when they first started the Dream Campaign.
    It was a bill of what I owe not a letter requsting otherwise. Sorry, Like I said it has been some time. However, the way it was written would lead you to believe otherwise. Sometimes people take things out of context. If this makes me a liar than I gather you all stand correct.

    I take full accountability for anything I posted. I gather seeing is believing. No reason to go any further with it. I am sorry if I stepped out of line.
  20. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    sorry clive I have dsylexia(sp) Yes I have grammatical typing errors. I did the best I could I did not see your post until my other was done. I worded it incorrectly. I took out of context that you were possibly a member. Sorry for the inconvience. I will make sure I have someone check all my errors b4 I post again. I take what you say & I am sorry

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