C3 What it isn't

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Ormly, May 4, 2007.

  1. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    :confused: How can they be affiliated with the N.C. State Baptist Convention if they are not a Baptist Church?
    I'm just getting the impression that they are not wanting to claim their affiliation, but maybe that's a wrong impression.
  2. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    They're listed as a SBC church as well. http://www.sbc.net/churchsearch/listcity.asp?key=nc&FilteredCity=Clayton

    HXCforCHRIST Well-Known Member

    Yes C3 is affliated with both baptist organizations.. but we are a non-demoninational church. Do we have baptist charicteristics? yes we do but the messages are not baptist based they are practical to any denomination.

    Hope this helps

    and I know I screwed the spelling up but i dont have time to spell check :)
  4. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info! Whatever it is, it seems to be working, based on the membership and attendance at services. Why do we have so many different denominations? The church has split over so many issues, from infant baptism to transubstantiation, maybe C3 has a message that can bring some of them back together again.
  5. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    Christianity has spilt from catholic, and methodist, baptist.... C3 is just another place to find God. If you attend and don't like C3 there are no hard feelings, everyone finds God in their own way. (I remember when I was growing up and going to Mid-way Baptist, when I decided that I what was it craig said, I didn't like thier kool-aid, Seemed the whole place came by my home, called thinking back on it now I am glad I didn't have email when I was 14.)

    I am still confused on why there is so much backlash against C3 in this area.
  6. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    The question that needs to be asked, if believing them to be a great sucess story is, of what? They are NOT a great sucess story of Jesus Christ. Their whole setup was engineered by corporate management guru's such as Peter Drucker of GM renown. Drucker & Co has mentored Robert Schuller, Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Joel Osteen, to name just a few. Their churches are not about Jesus Christ. They are about you and how to make you a better person, using their "self-help" motivational tools, into being your own god and in league with them so they can get even bigger.
  7. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Get off of others you judgmental sinner.
  8. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    It's called the "consensus thinking approach" where everything you believe to be absolute is "facilitated" to making you believe what you believe is only your opinion [and who among is a Bible scholar, right?]. Let me demonstrate:

    A typical connect group meeting made up with folk not unlike some on this forum and being lead by a "Coach", might go like this: Black [thesis] is no longer black but something other than black because that is an "absolute" and is devisive and may offend the one who believes everything to be white [antithesis], another "absolute. Somewhere in the miiddle a "compromise/consensus" shade of gray [synthesis] is arrived at, to be accepted, that keeps everyone happy. When they succeed in this, using "Bible verses" to proof text their message, and they do, they have won you...they have made you feel good by pacifying your "absolutes" out of you and you come away thinking them smart for doing so........Jesus Christ, and what He taught, are absolutes.

    I could go on but I believe any sensible person gets my drift.
    Last edited: May 7, 2007
  9. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member


    You accuse C3 of being a lot of things, but for someone who appears not to like C3 you can't seem to stop talking about C3. Just wondering where do you worship, and if that is where you are happy why waste so much energy on C3?
  10. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    If your kids were walking towards the cliffs edge, what would you do?
  11. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    You didn't answer the question...... Where do you worship, do you find happiness there?
  12. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    and calling C3 a cliff really???? a cliff to what, even if you want to call C3 a church that is not throwing brimstone and doom on Sundays what does C3 do that unsafe. Teach you to pray for people, be kind to people, and worship God.

    Yep I can see son falling off that cliff as I type.
  13. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    I believe I did answer the question. I gave my reason for coming against c3. Where I attend has no bearing in this. If you want to meet a true non-donominational, I am one. I am promoting no church except the Church of Jesus Christ. He has become my First Love. C3 barely mentions His name except in the context of it's own lust.
  14. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    So you have gone to C3?
  15. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    .....more than I care to speak of
  16. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    Seriously????? Are you kidding me??? You either have never attended a service or went in so blind with hate that you could not hear. I feel where you attend is a bearing in this. Maybe I would like to attend a service at your church. I mean I would be welcome correct??
  17. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Ormly is blinded by his own selfish pride. He is ranting because all of you feed it. Snatch the soap box out from under him by ignoring him. I am weary of anyone putting down anothers Christian beliefs.
  18. HXCforCHRIST

    HXCforCHRIST Well-Known Member

    You hit the nail on the head
  19. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    Nothing to hear unless the lastest sports news is what you are after. "Go Panthers"! -"Go whoever"!! coming from someone who looks like he just got off the backend of a plow. And now you all are into some "Organic" Tom Foolery "self-motivationl" program. Rest assured that when it is finished another will be offered to keep you stimulated.
    I know what I would expect to hear from the pulpit of that which calls itself church but you won't hear it there. His name is Jesus. You will get very little of Him taught you and only that which will support their "Purpose Driven" agenda.

    Indeed. But I wouldn't attend unless you seriously want to hear about Jesus Christ and what He wants you to become in Him.

    Speaking of the church at Ephesus Jesus said this: "But you have this in your favor—you hate what the Nicolaitans are doing. I also hate what they're doing." The "Nicolaitanes" were a religious group steeped in human reasoning for promoting the Church of Jesus Christ. There is only one way to promote it and it is not with "cotton candy and bubble gum" hand outs.

    But I am patient. I will wait for you to discover this for yourselves. I just pray it won't be after it is too late.
  20. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    Very Christian by the way attacking some one on their looks, and to think I tell people I am the non compassionate Christian. Ormly you kinda make me look saintly :)

    Still waiting for the name of the church by BTW.
    Last edited: May 7, 2007

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