Can someone just shoot an animal in Johnston County?

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by frustratedcitizen, Mar 12, 2010.

  1. frustratedcitizen

    frustratedcitizen Active Member

    FOS-fructo-oligosaccharides, what does a food additive have to do with this-LOL

    Well quite honestly sorry if I struck a cord with you Cleopatra and KD, but I honestly have a problem with people who run around shooting off their mouths saying they are going to shoot animals. Unless that animal is baring teeth and charging you there is absolutely not justificaiton.

    Contact Animal Control and take photographs of the animal running loose, the county will visit them and fine them. That is how you handle things, not running around shooting them.

    I am damn straight this ain't no NY or AZ. At least in those states there are no loop holes in the gun laws to allow maniacs to run around and shoot things without consequence.
  2. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    This thread reminds me...

    Do chickens actually cross the road? I have a neighbor that has about ten chickens and they run free occasionally in his yard and in his neighbors' yards. I notice they don't cross the street. If they do, you are all invited to a bar-b-q... everybody except fc, it would be too redneck for them. :lol:
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I don't want to talk about chickens!!!! :lol:
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    FOS = Full O Sh... :lol:
  5. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    That's all well and good when animal control actually does something about it. I know for a fact they don't always do what they are supposed to after some dealings with them last year over a serious neglect case. We put up with a neighbors BS for 9 years. I think that is more than enough patience. So yeah, maybe you did strike a nerve, but you are most certainly full of it.
  6. frustratedcitizen

    frustratedcitizen Active Member

    I like chicken but prefer mine from the grocery store.:allears:

    Cleopatra-you were in your house a significant number of years to have been a profit-unfortunately I have not been and wouldn't see a profit. SO no I'm not Full of **** (FOS) just realistic.
  7. frustratedcitizen

    frustratedcitizen Active Member

    KD-sorry to hear you had so much trouble and that the Organization didn't resolve the the issue.

    To date any complaint to the JCAC has initiated a visit to the homeowner, at least in our neighborhood.

    As far as being full of it-well that's your First Amendment right.
  8. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member


    Oh, you mean kdc! Sorry!
  9. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Being a new home, and surely you have made some improvements, you might be surprised. Of course the inground pool could go either way. Breaking even and getting away from psycho-neighbor would be good enough for me.

    I feel for you, I really do. I too put up with inconsiderate neighbors, but that is part of living in a subdivision. JoCo, even with it's strip malls and subdivisions is still a pretty rural area and you are outside city limits. If a farmer has a dog getting in his hen house or riling up his turkeys, he has to have the right to protect his property. Animals are just that, animals - livestock - in this county. I don't condone shooting an animal for simply trespassing, but it sounds like you all have a Hatfields/McCoys thing going on in your neighborhood. Since the law *is* on your "redneck" neighbor's side, your other neighbor would be smart to do any and everything they can to avoid a situation.

    And if you don't want any chicken, I could maybe make you a pillow out of the feathers to cover your head with while the gun goes off. ;)
  10. frustratedcitizen

    frustratedcitizen Active Member

    Cleopatra, honestly the "animal killer" neighbor doesn't bother me at all. I simply choose not to hang around ignorant people. I simply will not tolerate anyone who discriminates, gossips or runs around shooting off their mouth particularly when what comes out of there mouth is just plain stupidity.

    He as well as anyone else has a right to think or say as they please; however that does not mean specific actions are ok.

    Yes I have made several improvements to my home and I have only been in it a few years so no I wouldn't recoup that which is why I choose to stay until the market improves to the point where the home values increase again.

    I am in total agreement that if it is a vicious animal then yes I can justify such as action and am also in agreement that a farmer has the right to protect his livestock. In these scenario's it is better not to have an animal that is vicious whom if running loose could injure another human or an animal.

    I just don't agree with shooting an animal simply because it got loose and ran across the property.
  11. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    And if you will go back and READ no one else that posted thinks an innocent animal ought to be shot either. 8)
  12. frustratedcitizen

    frustratedcitizen Active Member

    KDC, I wasn't implying that anyone who commented condoned this behavior. I was specifically asking what the laws were.

    I already knew the lease laws and am in agreement that if someone violates the lease laws they should be fined and if it continues then the animal impounded. I just wanted to know what laws were out there with respect to shooting an animal.

    I have contacted JCAC and received my answer.

    I can also understand someone getting frustrated if it is a deliberate and willful act in which an animal is allowed to run free. Animals can become a nuissance but there are ways to handle situations. First would be to attempt speaking with the neighbor regardin the problem and trying to get to a resolution peacefully. If that doesn't work then turn to the agenices for assistance. Taking matter's into your own hands is not an option for a civil world.
  13. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    OK, but you sure were ready to smack everyone around for not jumping on your bandwagon with your disparaging remarks. Maybe your "redneck" neighbor is just completely fed up with the irresposible one. Do you know for a fact that all those other "civilized" options have not been pursued?
  14. frustratedcitizen

    frustratedcitizen Active Member

    KDC again didn't mean to offend any of you and yes I am a bit frustrated.

    I have had a run in with the "animal killer" who threatened my cats. Not only did he not have the civilized knowledge to walk over and discuss it with my husband and I, he basically waited till I was walking my dog and cats and essentially verbally attacked me on the road. He referred to me as a Yankee and told me if I didn't contain my cats he would kill them.

    Now before you go on about "containment laws", my cats were not full outdoor cats but three times a day accompanied the dog on his walk through the neighborhood. Most people found this absolutely adorable that the cats followed the dog in single file down the street and when the walk was done went back inside. He on the other hand was freaked out because when a car came down the road, the cats would run into the ditch. By the way this was on the opposite side of the road and not on his property.

    I was not the first person he verbally attacked and I didn't haven't been the last person either. He did go over and see the neighbor about his dog but again took the offense and threatened physical harm. In addition, he was pounding on the glass panels on either side of the door and ringing the bell obsessively to the point where the homeowners were a bit frightened by his behavior.

    This is also the same person who during a subdivision meeting publically said he did not like animals and if he caught an animal on his property he would shoot it.

    I guess my frustration comes from the fact that one day this man will infact take matters into his own hands and shoot an innocent animal and unfortunately will likely get away with this. He knows the loopholes and ofcoarse will claim he felt threatened and the animal charged him.
  15. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Your positioin is understandable. However I might suggest you not get on a message board and start throwing around terms like "redneck" etc. You get offended by the use of "yankee" yet use the term "redneck". :confused:

    It IS offensive and not the way to get off on the right foot.

    Good luck to you , it is aggravating to deal with a neighbor who doesn't play by the rules.
  16. frustratedcitizen

    frustratedcitizen Active Member

    Touche KDC, your right. I let my anger overtake my sense's.
  17. Ok REDNECK,,,
  18. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    If you're scared of this individual -and it sounds like you should be- you might call the sheriff's office and explain the situation. Quite often a 'courtesy call' by John Law will prevent a situation from escalating into something criminal.

    Also, I'm no lawyer but you can't randomly kill animals on your regardless of if they're on your property or not. It's not a resonable response to the situation unless the animal is dangerous, any more than you could blow up you neighbor's car if he parked on your yard.

    Additionally, I believe it is unlawful to discharge a firearm within 1/4 mile of an occupied dwelling in NC, and I doubt the judge would accept a trespassing cat as a reason to endanger one's neighbors.

    Call the sherriff's office- let them deal with the problem now before it becomes much worse.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2010
  19. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    /delete image

    /delete comment
  20. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    now that is just plain mean to tease like that:lol::lol:

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