I know that they do put necessary vitamin and mineral supplements in pet food. Some off the shelf food is meant as a treat (I'm thinking Sheeba) and is labeled as not being for daily maintenance.
Just a quick update, she's eating a little better now. She has let me know she prefers to be served in the dining room instead of the kitchen. Over the years, she has refused to enter certain parts of the house - different rooms or areas at different times. That's part of what I refer to as her psychotic episodes. She has always slept in my room, except for a period of several months when she refused to go in there, and if I carried her into the room she would run out as soon as I put her down, all the way to the opposite end of the house. She sometimes walks around the house meowing loudly for no apparent reason, too. She still likes salmon or chicken from my plate best, but she is eating some cat food again, too.
GOOD DEAL! I know that is making you breathe better! My daughter is now the staff of our 15yo male who is in renal failure but is extremely picky about his food. He's been a hunter all his life and still goes after what he can when he gets tired of laying in the sun on the front steps. He had an abcessed tooth and went off his feed for a bit but he is now healed up and while he does like the dry KD food (hated the wet) - he'd just as soon steal regular dry food from the other cat or the dog. He's had a heart murmur for years and we'll take whatever time he has. We're of the opinion (and the vet's) that while we're going to try and get him to eat better food for him - it's not worth making him suffer for it so if he occasionally gets odd treats of tuna or meat - so be it. The vet suggested seeing if he would eat bananas as the potassium pills are rough. Now the cat definitely thinks we're nuts. No - he is NOT eating mashed bananas. Martha