Caring for the Homeless - a way we can help

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Kent, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Sporadic2000

    Sporadic2000 Well-Known Member

    I do meet mostly men, but that's just a small portion of the total number of homeless in our area.[/QUOTE]

    That was the question I had. If there are a lot of women who are homeless. I have a lot of toiletries I wanted to donate this Mother's Day weekend. I'm sure the men could use them too. I just thought it would be nice to remember some women that no one else did.
  2. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  3. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Invitation to Kids Ministry Meeting

    Since Alice McGee is so prominent in this thread, I thought I'd pass along an email I received from her today:


    Everyone who loves kids and has a heart to intervene in the lives of At-Risk Kids is invited to a meeting to brainstorm what we can do this summer for them.

    We have some neighborhoods where we really need to help kids who will be sort of on the loose all summer in the streets.

    If you can help, please come to my house at : 4701 Forestdale Rd. Raleigh, NC 27603 at 7PM on May 18th (Monday) I apologize for the short notice as I have been out of the country ministering in Latvia and Finland. If you can not make this meeting please call me at 772 7050 in the mornings and we will talk over the phone.

    Thanks and many blessings!
    Alice McGee, Church in the Woods
  4. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Church in the Woods update - Summer missions

    Passing this email along from Alice McGee:


    Hi everyone!

    We are excited to be reaching out to many of the at-risk kids in Raleigh! We have identified 5 area playground/parks in the most needy areas. Please come to a meeting at my house on Monday night, June 1st. at 7PM. I live at 4701 Forestdale Rd. Raleigh NC 27603.

    We don't know how many days that we will be able to do in each park until we see what is our manpower. We would like to have at least 2 adults and 2 teens in each area, each day. From 10 to 12 each morning we will have Bible study, personal application, prayer, play time, and a sack lunch.

    Pat is working on 3 teams to rove between the parks teaching art and praise and worship dance.

    The parks are:
    Lee and East St playground (near Bragg St.)
    Davie St Park at 910 Davie St.
    Tarboro St. Park (near New Bern Ave.)
    Eliza Pool Park (on Fayetteville Rd South of MLK)
    Grassy area on/near Hawkins St between New Bern Ave. and Coke St.

    If you can not come to the meeting, please let me know what days or weeks that you can help.The summer outreach will go from the Kickoff week of June 15 through the first week of August.

    Sack lunches
    Lemonade mix
    Children's Bibles
    Easy reader Bibles
    Your talents

    Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

    Love and blessings!!!
    Alice McGee and Church in the Woods

    NCGIRL Well-Known Member

    I won't be able to go, but I will contact her regarding some of the items she needs. Thanks again for keeping this thread updated and getting the information out.
  6. Ron Still

    Ron Still Well-Known Member

    Who agreed to help our homeless in Cleveland?

    Can we get a Cleveland response team together so that when we find or hear of homeless in the community, we have some folks to reach out to them for their needs. Sometimes it has taken us so long to get the requested donations for a homeless individual, they pass on without assistance. Two kids working for low pay at a local business lived a couple months in the woods. We approached C3 for help with a homeless situation in Cleveland this week, just like we previously approached other churches for other homeless in Cleveland. We simply start with the nearest church to the situation. We still need immediate help for a situation we verified on Wednesday evening. Because we are staffing Basic Needs, we need helpers we can call on to make food deliveries or to bring someone in for food and clothes. We've had folks living in abandoned buildings and cars and campers and in the woods in tents or just under branches in Cleveland. We just don't have the numbers that Raleigh has and we definitely don't have the resources. Example: We need a local place to provide a safe hot shower or to wash clothes, just like a church does 13 miles north in Garner. It's 2:30 in the morning, we open at 9 a.m., and we are expected to help a homeless situation without the needed items by noon. Then some of our neighbors would simply wish the problem would go away so they can continue to deny it exists in their back yard. We don't have anyone available to just hand food out at the food pantry for the folks coming in Saturday after 10-11 in the morning. We occasionally need someone to greet and help with the paperwork from 10-1 on Saturdays. Every Saturday and every Monday night we are serving and we need volunteers to get the job done. Interested in helping locally - call me at 661-6565 on Saturday 9-6, or Monday and Thursday nights 6-9. We can provide basic food and clothing and household for our Cleveland folks, but after that, we need your help.
  7. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Repeating: to help in the Cleveland area call Ron Still, at 661-6565 on Saturday 9-6, or Monday and Thursday nights 6-9.

    - - - - - - - -

    You've laid out he challenge. Now let's see who the Lord raises up for you.
  8. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Church in the Woods update

    God is on the move! More and more people are responding to the heart of Jesus for his sheep. Each call and email saying "how can I help" brings us great joy.

    We were excited to be at the launch of Clayton United. Twenty-five people from 8 churches came together to begin a ministry in Johnston County to prayer walk the streets, pray for people, and do evangelism and acts of mercy. They are ready to work with God to take back their area! If you live in Johnston County, You may contact Boris Wiggins at

    My trip to Latvia and Finland was beautifully orchestrated by the Lord. We (Margaret Capone, Danny and Lindy Bravo, and Helen Burch from London) had a great time in Latvia praying and counseling with many missionaries, speaking in churches and a prison, and prayer walking and driving the cities and villages. After the others left, Margaret and I spent two days on a train and buses praying across the country to the Russian border. This is where the Russians invaded Latvia to enslave it. When Stalin came in the Latvians lost 550,000 people. They became free in 1991 and the country is beginning to recover. A lot of our ministry was helping them receive inner healing and deliverance from fear and alcoholism, drugs, gambling and porn. These were their escape mechanisms. Now they have Jesus instead!!! They had wonderful stories about how God had done miracles for them to set them free from Russia.

    In Finland also there were great testimonies about how the Lord had fought on their side against Stalin and kept them free. They believe it was because during World War 2 they stood with the Jews and as a nation refused to give them to Hitler. They became a safe passage for the Jews. This was because a pastor/prophet went to the president and cabinet and read a passage from Obediah about standing with the poor and oppressed. They voted to save the Jews and the Lord protected them from both Hitler and Stalin. Margaret and I again ministered to missionaries, and local christian leaders, also in a house church. We prayer walked and drove, interceeding for Helsinki and Finland. Like most of Europe, the liberal socialist systems are crumbling. We were delighted to see hunger and good christian growth in Finland.

    We are busy now getting ready for the Kick-off in Mid June of our Kids summer outreach. We have targeted 5 area parks/playgrounds in the neediest areas where kids are the most at-risk. Please pray for enough helpers to do all five areas for 8 weeks. Pray that the kids will really connect with God.

    All of our other outreaches are doing well. The night shift on Fridays is always exciting. We have been hitting the bar scene. It is so cool to pray openly in the streets for people. It is such a convicting testimony to others walking by. Spiritually it's pretty dark in these areas, but it's getting lighter all the time! Join us to bring the presence and power of Jesus into the streets!

    The Lord needs: Bibles, coolers, igloos, bag chairs, folding tables, an ice maker, a mini van, a newer bus for our mobile unit. The one we have now is a 1977 model and always breaking down. Also, finances for full time missionaries in the streets. Thanks to all who give such wonderful help!!

    Many the Lord bless you richly!!!!

    Alice McGee and Church in the Woods
  9. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Church in the Woods update

    Even the darkness will not be dark to you: the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. Psalms 139:12

    Leaving out from the parking lot where we meet to go out into the streets of Raleigh, NC., we never know where the Lord will take us. Where He takes us at 11PM on a Friday night is His decision. But we know that since we "live and move and have our being in Him" we will be taken along.

    Our prayer is always like this: " Daddy, wherever you are doing something tonight in the city, thanks for taking us with you." We love hanging out with our Jesus. We are just kids in the bye-bye stage. Our hearts are so warmed by His presence.

    We have such anticipation and excitement as we head out. I'm always so amazed at how the Lord loves to be out with the least of the brethren. How His presence is all over the city. Yes, He is with us, but we also find Him hanging out with a lady in tears.

    On three other streets, three different men said to us "God made you turn down this street just for me. He was speaking to me about my life, and then you came right up and prayed for me." A man on another street jumped in front our car to stop it. He would not let us pass without praying for him and his girlfriend.

    Some people were in their driveway and told us they were on the way to the hospital as their 17 year old son was becoming a father. The son was very nervous and scared. We prayed for him and the new mother and the parents. Then we dedicated the baby and the parents to the Lord.

    A group of people were out on a porch next door. I said,"we are Christians out praying for this neighborhood tonight. Who wants a blessing from the Lord?." A man jumped up and said 'I do!" He had a bad, long standing crack habit. We laid our hands on him to pray and asked him to give his habit to Jesus. Many people will tell me that they have prayed for 20 years for Jesus to take away their habit and He hasn't done it. So I don't let them pray that prayer again. I tell them that Jesus has set you free on the cross and in the same way that you have to come to Him to receive salvation, you have to come to him to receive your healing or deliverance.

    In the same way that you give your life up to God to be saved, you must give up this habit into His hands. I put out my hands and told him that these hands represent the hands of Jesus. We are His ambassadors. He reached out and put his habit into my hands and was instantly free. We continued to pray and worship and share the word, house to house, just like in the book of Acts.

    The next Friday, we saw the man who had given up his crack habit to the Lord. He came running up and shared his testimony of how he had no cravings or any desire for the drugs any more! He now asked for prayer to get delivered of being an alcoholic. We let him pray again giving the addiction to the Lord as we agreed in the spirit with him. Suddenly his face went up toward heaven and the addiction left him! He threw his arms up into the air and began praising God. We all praised God with him!

    Then I saw that the place where these addictions had been, needed to be filled. We prayed a blessing for him in the Lord. Again, he suddenly threw his arms up praising God. He began to shout loudly "Idlewilde Street is mine!!" "Idlewilde Street is mine!! He received his purpose and calling from the Lord and it was for his own neighborhood!

    Interestingly, that week was characterized by people receiving calls to ministry. All the outreaches throughout the week have a lot happening, but I wanted to share some night stuff. The Lord never sleeps! It's so cool to be allowed to reign with Christ day and night! Yay, God!!!

    Your co-workers in the kingdom!
    Love and Blessings!
    Alice McGee and Church in the Woods
  10. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    I'm beyond words at the good that is being done here. It truly is Jesus' will being done on earth and to those that others may simply pass by. I wish that I had the courage to do the same that is being done here. And if you can please bless the police officers in that area. My husband is one of them working at night right now in this district in particular and I'd sleep better knowing there are prayers being said for his safety and service. Just knowing that angels like you are our there is almost comfort enough. God bless you all!
  11. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Emergency Need - Handicapped woman living in her van

    Just received this email from Alice McGee:

    Church in the Woods has been ministering to a handicapped lady who is living in her van. She cannot walk or even get in and out of the van without assistance. She stays in this van 24 hours a day sleeping in the driver seat or on the floor behind it.

    She tries to clean up with wet wipes the best she can and wears diapers. In spite of all this she stays in pretty good spirits. She can drive and enjoys a sense of freedom from being able to get around at bit by car.

    It is basically her wheel chair.

    The other homeless people at Moore Square help her out by bringing her plates of food when we or others come by with meals. They are wonderful to take her garbage to the can and perform other small tasks for her.

    Right now she has a great need.

    Her car's transmission is out and she has been unable to drive it for about a month. The police are threatening to tow it away as they cannot have a permanent car-home parked at Moore Square.

    The shelters will not take a person with these medical needs as they are not equipped to help them.

    Although she receives a SSI check, it just covers her gas and insurance and diapers, etc. She needs help with this car repair. Do you know someone who can put in a transmission? Is there someone who can help buy the transmission?

    Thanks for your prayers for this little lamb of God.
    We love you!
    Alice McGee

    Church in the Woods
    4701 Forestdale Rd.
    Raleigh, NC 27603
  12. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Kent, call Ralph @ cottman transmissions in Garner, see if he can help.
  13. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Thanks, HG.

    I talked to Ralph. He is familiar with Alice's ministry.

    Passed his phone #, location, etc over to Alice to see if this is a solution.

    I encourage others to talk with Alice directly (772-7050) about any support you can offer in this situation or future needs CITW may have.

  14. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Also Brian (owner) @ AutoTek off Tryon Rd.

    HEY! How about the city garage?? Or in YOUR case, the county??
  15. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  16. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

  17. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Church in the Woods Ministry - special needs update


    As you get ready for this wonderful, blessed time of the year, there are some needs among the brethren.

    We are handing out coats, blankets, gloves, hats, and socks as fast as we get them. These freezing nights have been hard on so many sleeping out in the cold. If anyone has tarps, tents, rope, sleeping bags, camp stoves, or candles, they would be so appreciated.

    There is a mom and 5 children who needs clothes, winter coats, and food. Their sizes are: Boy--size 6; Boy--size 7-8; Girl--Size 24to 36 months; Girl--size 4; Girl size 12. The mom would like a Food Lion Gift card. A toy for each child would be nice too.

    One of our most faithful missionaries needs a good bicycle to get around. He is out in the city all the time and is limited by being on foot.

    Also, Church in the Woods has received a matching grant. It is for new, first time donors. Everything that they give (up to $5,000) will be matched by a foundation. We are praying to meet the amount by the end of the year as our vehicles are very old and need updating. Our school bus clothing closet is a 1977 bus and our passenger van is 1987. As a mobile ministry, our vehicles are very needed.

    Thanks so much to the sweet lady who gave enough for 20 more bag chairs! We always need them.

    Thanks to Bag Lunch Ministries for making up 100 Christmas gift bags for our Christmas Eve Service at the Wilmington Street Center men's shelter. We do need about 100 more.

    I look forward to this Christmas service every year. It is so wonderful to see all the guys, who had nowhere to go for Christmas, having such a wonderful time in the Lord. There is always a good response for personal prayer at the end. God always shows up to bless!

    THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! For all you have done during this year. You have blessed the heart of God!!

    Love and Blessings!
    Alice McGee for everyone at Church in the Woods
    Ministry to the City

    Church in the Woods
    Alice McGee, Director
    4701 Forestdale Rd.
    Raleigh, NC 27603
  18. cece

    cece Well-Known Member

  19. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Is this the same church in the woods that used to be on Mr. Purser's land behind the old KMart in Garner?

    Before the new Wal-Mart was built, when I was writing full time for the paper, Mr. Purser invited me to a Sunday service back there with a group of homeless that he'd been ministering too.

    There was a whole camp that lived back there and I've often wondered since he sold the land and the Wal-Mart was built if they were still back there.....
  20. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    I don't know the history of CIW other than it's the name Alice McGee, the director, calls it.

    Probably due to the fact there's no bricks & mortar building per se.

    Instead, she takes the "church" to the homeless and those in need, rather than them coming to her.

    There is still a homeless camp at the corner of Poole and I-440. I stop by there as often as I can.

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