i feel ya girl, for so many years the only mall we had to go to was in Roanoke and it was an annual trip for Christmas shopping:lol:
My sister married into an old family in Lynchburg. The Thornhills. They hung around with the Leggets. Yeah...but did you have a life-sized poster with no lips on it because you had kissed them right into oblivion? LOL!
i did have a life size poster but as to what had been kissed off, i can't go there (j/k, wasn't old enough to even think that then):lol: i also had the posters of Donnie Osmond all over my preteen walls - gotta love a Mom who let me paint my room purple and then plaster it with teen mag pictures:-D
Wow. You are old school Lynchburg. LOL! I also helped manage a dance studio there in Lynchburg for a while in the early, early 90s...the Fred Astaire Dance Studio @ Boonsboro Shopping Center. Purple? As in Donnie Osmond's purple socks? Remember those?:lol:
LOL! He moved to Roanoke and taught at the Roanoke FA studio until at least 1996. It was then bought by another owner and he taught for them until at least 2001. I'm not sure where he is now. He was funny. We all considered him to be a huge penny pincher. Here we were all poor and destitute and Lee is buying property in SW Roanoke and making tons of money. Yet...if we all went out to lunch, Lee acted poor and always ended up getting folks to pay for his meals. LOL!
OMG you are right, he did move to Roanoke, not out of state - i still have some letters he wrote me from that area:lol: He was one of a few friends that all of us hung out together for quite awhile playing spades way into the wee hours of the morning. i am not surprised that he ended up making some money, he always had the capability but had to learn the confidence back when i knew him well - jeez what a small world we live in. About the being poor thing, when i knew him we were all poor including him. Robert (his best friend) and i were working in restaurants (i was also going to college full time and raising 2 kids as a single mom) and Lee was trying to figure out what he wanted to do - when he found Arthur Murray (the first dance studio he worked in on Old Forest Rd) he seemed to have found his niche for awhile - it was so funny cause when we would go out he was never the one to dance:lol: Geez, now i am gonna have to go diggin in my box of memories to find those letters he wrote me when he left Lynchburg:lol:
Oh that is so cool, thanks so much - i have some old pictures of him too from when we were all in our late teens and early 20's - gotta see if i can find them. This is just too weird girl, who woulda thunk it?:lol:
Back to the topic... Does anyone else remember the New Zoo Revue? I was too old for it (or so I thought) but my little brother used to watch it all the time. The clothes are hilarious! http://youtube.com/watch?v=e18_KL8PUYM&mode=related&search= Here is another one that I loved http://youtube.com/watch?v=qVnX9ErcFOk&mode=related&search=
Kaci wrote: > had the posters of Donnie Osmond all over my preteen walls OMG Kaci, me too! But before Donnie Osmond, my preteen heart throb was Bobby Sherman. Mercy me, does anyone even remember him? LOL! Eventually my obsession with Bobby gave way to Dreamy Donnie LOL. In SoCal where I grew up, during 8th grade a girl friend of mine (Laura Chevere, gawd I can't believe I remember back that far) and I both entered a talent contest together and choreographed our own funny little dance to the Osmond Brothers' Crazy Horses song -- that song was about as close to "rock" as the Osmonds ever got, I think LMBO! However we did not win that talent contest, no surprise there LOL! And Laura and I would have these silly little parties for Donnie's birthday every year (now that date I cannot remember LOL) complete with cake, ice cream, purple balloons and party favors, and also presents which, of course, we gave to each other LOL! *Oh and I almost forgot: during these birthday parties for Donnie, we'd also play all the Osmond's songs that we had between us on our 45s, albums and 8 track cassettes. Does anyone remember those? Also my grandmother took me and Laura to the LA Forum one time to see the Osmond Brothers in concert. She dropped us off and did not stay with us during the concert (could not do that in today's world!) but picked us up afterward. We were like the last kids there and just praying the Osmonds would come back onstage -- hence, my theory that all kids act like they're somewhat brain damaged LMBO! After spending a long time looking high and low (literally) for us in the stands, my grandmother finally found us and was so mad! She liked to have literally pulled my hair out trying to get me out of that concert hall! Lucky Laura! Lordamercy, those were the days LOL! Ohhhhh, I so wanted to marry Donnie Osmond when I grew up. Thankfully for me, my teenage obsession with him had faded by the time he got married. ROFLMBO Thanks Kaci, for leading me down that sweet path of memory lane! Abundant Blessings and Shalom! Kimberly
OMG Kim - i cannot believe there is another Bobby Sherman fanatic out there - i loved him when i was a preteen too - remember "Here Come The Brides" and he played Jeremy (i actually named one of my children Jeremy) He was my very first crushl:lol:
Oh yeah, I remember all of those shows. Hey, remember Lidsville? Another show created by Sid and Marty Krofft (Pufnstuf, Wonder Girls, Sigmund, etc) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOyG9WN9udI I used to have a crush on Jack Wild, who played a young boy in "Pufnstuf". Unfortunately, he just passed away this March from throat cancer. He looked way different due to alcohol, drug, smoking, and cancer (Pic below)