I listen to my Monkees CD at work. They have a magic effect when it comes to getting my requirements written on time for an SR. One time, I had left the Monkees at home and had major writer's block. :mrgreen:
OK, Kimberly, here's a big hit from Bobby Sherman. My cousin had his posters all over her bedroom wall! Here's Easy Come, Easy Go. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yufUwc8X6bo&mode=related&search= For the Monkees fans, here ya go, I'm a Believer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ji_ubelO0Ow And last but not least, Donnie Osmond and Puppy Love. I used to hear this on the old clock radio in the mornings when I was in Jr High and getting ready for school. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsn4KZkUBeg&mode=related&search= Kent
Let's not forget the great westerns. Some of my favorites besides the gold standards of Gunsmoke and Bonanza: Some were in the late 60's but worth a mention: Iron Horse w/Dale Robertson Guns of Will Sonnett w/Walter Brennan Big Valley w/ Linda Evans...aye aye aye as Ricky Ricardo would say! High Chapparell The Virginian (loved Doug McClure) The Wild Wild West Kent
Who sang the song first - Elvis Presley or Bobby Sherman in "Easy Come, Easy Go"? I do know that Elvis was in the movie with that same song title though.
When I used to live in FL, we used to go to Epcot for 60's Fest during their annual Flower and Food Festival. Davey Jones was there to sing and I missed it all the time!
Does anyone remember the Banana Splits? They had a TV show (probably repeats) but they appeared during cartoons and also during the show with the monkeys dressed in human clothes.(I forget what that one was called) or Captain Kangaroo Space 1999, Battlestar Galactica, and Star Trek (my Dad liked those shows, so we had to watch them)
Banana Split - yes, I do remember that show, especially the intro song "one banana, two banana.....". This was a show that I truly enjoyed looking at as a child. The songs may have been corny bubblegum, but they were enjoyable. My favorite character was Fleegle the beagle dog. The show was filmed in Coney Island Amusement park in Cincinnati, Ohio. I wonder if the park is still there or not?
Not sure, but on Wikopedia it says it replaced Coney Island in Cincy. http://www2.cedarfair.com/kingsisland/#actions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kings_Island The Brady Bunch filmed a show there once.
How about the first "Hidden Camera" show with Alan Fudd (sp.), loved it. One of the networks has a new show coming out this fall similar to this.
Anyone else remember wearing POW bracelets? One of the guys in my class had an older brother who was a POW and so many of us wore the bracelets for him - luckily he finally came home ok.