Wow guess I never thought about it but I didn't know children could have high cholesterol. What made them test her for it?
I'm 27, am at the gym at 5:30am 6 days a week for an hour, watch what I eat and mine hovers between 275-300. Father and grandmother are the same way. My father refuses meds and so do I. Just my choice and my doc respects it since I'm active, not overweight, don't smoke, have very low blood pressure and have no family history of heart disease. Those seem to be the key factors, especially blood pressure and family history. Also, look at the overall blood test. My triglycerides and "good" cholesterol are always high which pushes mine up too. Since I don't want meds, I go in every 6 months for a blood test-I guess to make sure it is consistent??:lol: Not trying to say what's best or criticize medicine users at all, just sharing my situation and it works for me. Anywho, since it sounds like he is active and eats fairly well, you can try fish oil tablets, muscadine grape seed tablets, niacin supplements, oatmeal, etc. OH, and watch the cheese intake! I LOOOVVEE cheese, but since I know how much cholesterol it has I tend to shy away whenever I can resist:lol: Also, whole milk is a weakness for me Nothing like a tall glass of whole milk with ice. Whatever you decide, good luck to you and enjoy the vino!!!