Its Coors Lite. Less Calories in the beer while more calories in the maple syrup mmmmm beeeer. I might take you up on that. Never had BBQ'd waffles before
Craig, we have the same game plan. I volunteered for staff duty officer every year for Christmas I was on active duty, except when I was in command. Happy Holidays!
Not sure about Golden Corral, but according to Cracker Barrel's website, they close at 2PM on Christmas Eve and will be closed all day on Christmas.
You stated that hopefully everything will shut down not just Cracker Barrel so I responded in kind with why our family hopes not everything shuts down as we often go to a Chinese restaurant. Hope you understand the relevance now and for future responses I may have as I usually am on topic it is others who don't read a Post completely as I did yours. :lol: :cheers: Sherry
I hope you can hook up with Hat and his family as they are just awesome people. Sorry that I cannot extend the same offer but I am going to be swamped with folks and will think about you when we have our moment of silence. I know that when I have been alone on a holiday friends, like Hat, can make it more special than ever. Sherry