Church Merger?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by pastorg, Apr 12, 2007.

  1. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Whenever I ask for prayer for someone at church or Bible study, I leave the person's name out and just say, "my friend" or "my neighbor" etc. That way it is not gossipy... God knows who we are praying for without naming names. ;)
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Thank you, but you have always struck me as a fairly responsible individual. 8)
  3. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I have?? I'm so flattered! :-D :lol:
  4. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    I am interested in knowing which part you believe is which? As yet I haven’t seen the good that can’t accomplished by an atheist. You wrote this to me: “The only difference between you and me is we are a different flavor”. To which I replied: “You mean we can be of a different flavor and still have unity? How can that be? Surely, one of us must yield or be resisted….unless we both can be convinced that what we believe as absolutes is no more than our opinion. But that would necessitate us throwing away our absolutes. Are you willing to do that? …I’m not.”

    Now, Rick Warren established his church with people who have no absolutes. How easy can it be for sheep to be follow when their minds are open to anything, especially that which makes them “feel good”? Is this the way Jesus established His Church and the way He intended it to be propagated? If the sheep in these Warren churches read their Bible for understanding, there would be no Warren lead churches. He doesn't encourage Bible reading independed of his leadership. "Connect" groups is the way he handles it, "facilitated" by "coaches". But then you already know that.

    Moving on:

    More like manipulation that I see; getting sheep to believe what you want them to believe and for this you are accountable.

    I am not looking to find good and bad in the church. I am not a fruit inspector.Tares may be found in the church but they are never to be invited in as Warren, et al espouses and I never expected tares to be in leadership, yet there they are.

    I haven’t painted everybody anything. However, I do know an unhealthy sheep when I see one. I have also known not a few goats in my lifetime as well.

    Nope again. Preconceived ideas?? How I do it??? That’s not what I am about. The Church of Jesus Christ is a slow growing Church that produces solid disciples IN Him. A “cotton candy” or “bubble gum” church, never will. They will only produce sheep and goats unto itself, its own interests. You have read the books. You know what the intent is. It’s not about Jesus Christ, it’s about “ME”. At least on the surface it is, but ultimately it is about a new social order.

    In a word, No. You have to compromise His word in order to build; to have the success your leadership guru’s urge you to pursue.

    If I have a preconceived idea about Church these are the words that come close to expressing what it is:

    One must first have to have a revelation of Jesus Christ, become born again by His Spirit and have His life indwelt within that will produce a hunger for intimacy with the Father per Jn17. This hunger in turn will bring the Baptism of the Holy Ghost per Acts 2; the unction to function, if you will. If you do the first part of the great commandment God will give you the capacity to perform the second part as it must needs be done in that order. With it will come His wisdom of discernment that your service for Him will accomplish what He purposes… not what Rick Warren & co. have in mind that can only lead to destruction. Warren is only producing “wick burners” and he will burn them out….and he won’t care as long as his purpose is being achieved. He infers it with his words. Rick Warren is a pluralist. Are you as he is, a pluaralist?

    If you did you would lose half you congregation. Inside, you know that and I know that, so I am quite sure you carefully weigh your words. No preacher can purposely fill his assembly with the good and bad, depend on them for the tithe and preach the whole council of God. Impossible.

    I have beaten no one. Why say such a thing? And you Pastor are responsible for your sheep, to lead them to good pasture and ultimately to the Throne of God.

    In my near 70 yrs of learning Him, I am quite sure I know the difference. However, where is justice even needed in any of this? I have not written of the need for God’s justice but only for the reverence to Him, who has a real purpose for those who love Him and seek Him with their whole heart; from those people who claim they worship Him, who have no idea what serving the Lord really means, whose hearts are far from Him.
    One cannot not worship God anyway he pleases. God won’t receive it from him from any ol way.. Cain tried that and you should know better

    Indeed, I do. I never consider this kind of debate, foolish. Something always comes from it. You should read my e-mails. I know there has been a deposit made in someone’s heart who is hurting and looking for more than a “feel good” experience in Christ, something more in their understanding that leads Home.

    He has and per His word, I will attempt to block the way of the one I see walking to the edge of the cliff. Be assured, I won’t walk with them trying to persuade with cotton candy and bubble gum, saying God loves them and it doesn’t matter. It does matter. I am held accountable. To him who knows and does not, it is sin.

    Pastor, you have chosen to ignore my questions and concerns in my last post choosing rather to marginalize me without Biblical support for your own view.

    There are options I leave open for your reply should you wish to reply in another way.


  5. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Home from church with a sick child... nasty stomach virus going through the household, ugh!

    Ormly, what do you think of Henry Blackaby and his Experiencing God studies?

    Also, what do you think of Drs. -
    Erwin Lutzer
    John Hagee
    David Jeremiah
    Charles Stanley
    Tony Evans
    and the late Adrian Rogers?

    Last edited: Apr 15, 2007
  6. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    70 years?!?!? Obvioulsy, you don't. All you have seemed to accomplish is to become a self centered, grumpy old fart and turn people off. Let me gatherings are quite lonely for you, aren't they?

    Funny... I never remember Jesus beating people into submission to follow him. He preached the word and led the people if they wanted to follow Him. If they did not, He even said it in the Word.......(paraphrasing) Shake the dust off your sandals and get on down the road.

    Pastor G has made more sense in the short, few messages that he has posted here. You, on the other hand, have managed to turn people off, put people down, insult people and be downright rude and snotty in your replies. Now, who in the world do you think people here are going to listen to? A grumpy, old, self centered, holier-than-thou, hateful person or one who listens and replies with love and respect? 70 years (if that claim is true) is a long time to study God's word and become familiar with it and you have shown that you like to pick and choose what you believe out of what you have learned and throw it at anyone who does not agree with you.

    Put your gavel and your robe down, Judge Judy. I think we are all tired of your running off at the mouth.
  7. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

  8. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    I saw that you added that you were not at church today. Is that to justify being here? lol.:lol::-D;)
  9. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I didn't add that, it was the first thing I wrote. What I added were names and links for many of today's prominent pastors.
  10. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    nope, I read it and the little print wasnt there. I saw your links and stuff on the first post.;).

    Its ok, if your family is sick. It cant be helped. One weekend of no church wont hurt you. :lol:
  11. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    As I heard today in my Sunday School class...."you can't argue someone into heaven" in other words if someone has such strong beliefs that religion has to be "done" a certain way or its not correct, or they have been brought up in a different religion....sometimes you just can't convince them of anything different.
  12. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Yes, it was there. Are you calling me a liar?
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2007
  13. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2004
    Location: Cleveland Area
    Posts: 1,962


    What church do you go to? I am actually looking for a new church but have not found one that is as strong as I like. I am used to a strong, powerful pastor. Not some weak-kneed, limp-fish handshake pastor that only wants you to "feel good" when you leave. I like what you said about remembering the service 5 minutes after you leave. I feel that if I did not get my toes stepped on, I didn't get anything out of it. All I got out of some churches was coffee and donuts when they should be serving "meat".


    .......Shake the dust off your sandals and get on down the road.......... Just paraphrasing, mind you.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2007
  14. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    And this is supposed to mean what? So, it's the PM I sent to you. Big deal.......Is that supposed to "hurt me" or make me feel bad? So, I made the reference to your PM to me but you had to do me one better and actually copy and paste the PM I sent you. This is too funny! are pathetic. I am so glad that you don't go to a church. So far you have managed to poison the board, I would hate to see what you would do to a church!

    Go back to Buiscutville......I am sure they are missing your Bible study by now. Just make sure you let us all know which one it is so we make sure we all steer clear of your "meetings".

    OH.....just so you don't feel left out......why not address the comments instead of trying to make yourself look better than the rest of us. I think they call that a bully...... Did they call it that 70 years ago?
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2007
  15. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

  16. binarydig2

    binarydig2 Well-Known Member

    I have a question for you. Do you believe the US government was behind the events on Sept. 11?
  17. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    Ormly probably thinks that the 40/42 board was behind it all, or maybe........

  18. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    Yeah....didn't think you would answer.

    Typical hypocrite.
  19. Master_Shake

    Master_Shake Banned

    Boy this board has been a great advetising tool for C3, hasn't it? Just about the time the other "C3 threads" start to fade, Pastor G shows up to tell us about a church merger 50 miles away. And then, right on cue, a C3 faithful asks him his opinion about all of this. TA DA!! C3 is right back on top where good 'ole Matt wants 'em. C'mon folks, we gotta pay for that termple!!
  20. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    When you find the church you are looking for, Blus, I hope you will warn us of its presence.

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