We got teacher assignments a week ago for West View-just postcards with the teachers' names but at least we know something.
yeah, i got that too. was just wanting the official letter, so i know i've got everything, and what she expects thursday, what needs to be labled, that sort of thing. got 3 kids in different classes and a hubby getting surgery in 2 days, soccer for 2 starts this week, a lot going on, like to be organized. if anyone gets anything from mrs tyler at west view i'd love to know! thanks!
Oh, sorry. The AC is broken so I guess I am a little foggy. We have Mrs. Tyler, too, so I will let you know if we get anything.
Both my kids go to the same school and I only got my youngest sons teachers name and wish list yesterday. I have yet to recieve my oldest sons. And we have orientation Thursday. Wish they were on the ball and didn't wait SOOOO long.
Mrs. Tyler does have a supply list on her webpage which you have probably already checked. It is a little different from the generic second grade list but she still mentions "a more detailed list" later. I guess we will get that on orientation day.
Hopefully this link will get you to Ms. Tyler's Site. http://johnstoncounty.nc.schoolwebp...aff/staff.php?sectionid=2441&sc_id=1187715202 If it doesn't you can go to www.westviewpta.com and follow the links. I took a quick look at a few of the other West View Elementary Teacher's websites and many of them have their supply lists posted already. If you have a child at West View Elementary and you would like to do your shopping in advance, you may want to check out your teachers website to see if she has her supply list posted. If you have a student who will be attending West View - the dates for PTA meetings and other school events have also been published on the West View PTA website at www.westviewpta.com.
I don't understand why they wait so long. They should be on the ball. Why do they wait so long?? That's not a very responsible example they are setting. My oldest runs out to the mailbox everyday in hopes of finding out who is teacher is. Poor fellow gets disappointed everyday. Unfortunately mine have to go back to Wilsons Mills. I tried so hard to get them transferred and EVERY school I went to was "capped". So, we are stuck there again this year.
I just heard that teachers at West View didn't get out of meetings until 3:30 yesterday, so didn't get their mail out until yesterday afternoon. which means we SHOULD get letters tomorrow. I know, my son was ready to get the mail today, so excited, and then...NOTHING! I've gotten all the info off the webpage that I could, just wanted to get the "official" info.
i know Walmart has the basic grade level supply list, you know the teachers ALWAYS request more stuff.
Yep, we actually got a generic list when school let out, but I made that mistake last year..............you KNOW they will have their own list that is way different that the generic one. I had to take a bunch of crap back last year.
We got my daughter's assignment yesterday for Riverwood. A little upset that some of the items are different from the 2nd grade supply list that we got at the end of the school year and the list from Wal-mart, but we will survive. Not that big of a deal.
We got our teacher assignment yesterday from Cooper elementary. No supply list though which is fine, we can just get it tomorrow night from the teacher. I hope she needs a ton of glue bottles, I got carried away by the $.20 sale at Walmart and bought waaaaaayyyy too many!!! (along with spiral notebooks, notebook paper, glue sticks...kid is set until high school!)
Have you gotten your information from WME School yet? I got my boys info yesterday....so slow in getting this stuff out...
I'm still waiting patiently for my son's class assignment from mrs tyler. of course, today of all days the mailman is running late! :roll:
The teacher assignment came in the mail today from CES. Included in the letter from the teacher was the supply list and the wish list.