Here's food for thought. Libel: The plantiff is required to prove circumstances of utterance showing that the statement was directed against him or her specifically (once again, where did you see me write you name next to the word abuser, or anyone elses name for that matter?). The US supreme court has allowed that only factual misrepresentations is to be considered libel or slander, NOT EXPRESSION OF OPINION. Libel, has to harm you in some lasting and conrete way to be the basis of a lawsuit. Right to express my opinion: Yes, says the law, so long as my statement of opinion is just an opinion (as I consistently stated time and again) and does not contain specific facts that can be proved untrue. A statement made of opinion does not support a cause of action of defamation or libel. All five statements can be found easily on the web for NC state and US supreme courts. :hurray:
Listen, I said you would have to do a lot more than this, any idiot can have an opinion, you just gave yours. Based on your posts you may have just kept someone, silly enough to buy your BS, from saving an animal from the pound. That animal may have experienced a love that it has never had up to this point, but instead it will be put to death because of an elitist snob.
No, you just acted as if you had a case but decided to give little old me a break this time and oh, what a big mature man you are for calling someone names. You just have problems with others having a different opinion than your own and absolutely have a problem reading more into what someone writes and an even bigger problem with twisting things to fit your objective, whatever that may be. So, instead you resort to name calling like an immature child. If my post stopped someone from getting a dog from the pound than guess what, they didn't need to get it and how you came to this conclusion from my post is absolutely absurd to begin with as well as saying I called you a dog abuse (still laughing my a** off on that one). Doubt I have that much influence on anyone out there, if so I'd need to run for the presidency. I've read a lot of things on this forum that you and others have said many, many times and the name calling, ugly dialogue and down right nasty comments that have been made could as well be said to influence someone that reads this forum because it has been said from newbys several times that this was a bad representation of the Cleveland community. I'd have to agree, and before you make another one of your brillant statements, NO I do not live in your community. One could say that I got rude with this thread and I'd agree but only because my first post on this subject stating my opinion was quoted by YOU because YOU didn't agree and like what I said and took it as a personal threat (hogwash) just like a little two year old would do, so I responded back in-like. You started it and as usual with this forum thouht you had the right to say what you wanted to and noone, absolutely noone should disagree. NUF SAID on my end. Like others I do not back down when I am attacked first.
:nopity: :beathorse: :chillpill: :banghead: You guys are going at it about a freaking tethering issue? Oh well, to each his own.
Amen! There is one dog in our 'hood that is NEVER contained in it's own yard. It roams freely about the neighborhood all day while they are gone, pooping in other people's yards, to include ours. Not to mention the poor thing is probably going to get killed. I have seen a few instances where he came very close to getting hit by a car on our street. He even followed us across the highway one night when we were walking.
Okay I have a few questions. Is the tethering law just for the town or all of Clayton? I also put mine on a runner for short periods during the day but he is mostly inside and gets walked on my property for potty breaks. Are runners also illegal? I have a neighbor who got a dog and the dog is always on a runner 24/7. He does take it off to bring it in my yard to take a crap once a month. I do not trust this dog seeing as he went after my grandson. I do not have the money to put up a fence.
I would say it is within Town Jurisdiction only and includes runners. I wonder how many people will end up sending their animals to the pound after violation notices are sent out?
Why would a pet owner take his/her pet to the pound after being told not to tether the pet? Why does a person have a dog if the dog spends the majority his life outside, chained or tied up? Isn't this pet a part of the family? I am having a hard time understanding the mindset of someone who would relinquish his or her pet just because a law changed. One just has to adapt, not get rid of the pet. The pet is not the problem here. Perhaps a pet being relinquished to the pound has a chance of finding a forever home that does consider him a family member. Just my opinion; am not pointing fingers.
Hopefully, but more than likely they will die, but that is alright because the anti-runner folks have intimate knowledge of our relationships with our animals, and if we can't be like them the animals are better off dead.
By the way, you folks automatically assume that everyone that tether their pets do it for 24/7. If you read the article posted by the Town of Clayton it doesn't matter if the animal is only tethered 5 minutes a day, you are in violation. If any animals die as a result of this, and I hope none do, I hope it weighs heavily on the supporters of this regulation.
Better off dead? Are you kidding? OH PLEEEAAASSSSEEEEE!!!!! You sure do read in between the lines better than anyone else I have ever had contact with. :roll:
I seriously doubt that any animals will die if their owners only tethered them for 5 minutes a day. This would not be a difficult issue for them. As well, I don't think anyone in this discussion indicated that everyone that tethers does it for 24/7. Another assumption on your part.
I wish someone had tethered this thread, because it sure ran off in a hurry and got lost! I don't like tethering, but I have seen some well designed runs, which would contain dogs but give them room to excercise without getting tangled up. As long as they have shelter, shade, and water available, there would be no problems. I think some good might come out of this law if it stops the 24/7 tethering, but it is intrusive on responsible owners who want choices. How's that for sitting on the fence? Speaking of fences, give Allstar Fence Co. a call if you are affected by this no-tether law. I am not connected with them in any way, shape, or form. They put up my fence and did a good job, quicker than anyone else would do it.
Great idea and suggestion regarding the fence. They would just have to sacrifice just a little and the mass majority could truly find a way and adapt. This is just another step in the responsibility that comes with being a responsible dog owner. If people can find a way around the yearly up keep regarding vet bills, vaccinations etc., surely they can find it around this issue. Unfortunately it comes as an insult for those that do tether and are responsible about it, like always a few bad apples spoils it for all. If it wasn't for these bad apples there wouldn't be an issue regarding tethering.
like the old saying, why fix it if it ain't broke. We've had this for 15 years. Heres a question for ya. Have you every had one? If not, where's your experience and knowledge of about this subject?
Look, it seems to boil down to that nobody is going to have their mind changed and their experiences of these methods of containment are different. I happen to have an electric fence that works great and my dogs don't get shocked because they learn to not get near the boundary (which is the whole point of the fence!). And the poor dogs whose owners let them roam the neighborhood are aware that it my boys don't just let other dogs stroll on in so they don't bother with them. So obviously nobody is going to convince me that an electric fence is a bad thing. I don't think any animal abusers are trolling the dog/cat section of this website which leaves the rest of us as responsible pet owners that have an understanding of what is right and wrong for their animal. I'd be ****ed if there was a no electric fence ordinance passed so I can see the point of those that use tethering in a responsible way.