Cleaning Service Needed

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by SavannahAnna, May 14, 2009.

  1. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    I sent you a pm!
  2. Hoof-Hearted

    Hoof-Hearted Well-Known Member

    LOL, You perve, Thats not the kind of cleaning they were talking about. But hey Great for you. I am glad to seesome one on here with a sence of Humor.
    You go .
    P.S. I miss ya'll ;Havent been online for a Long time.
  3. gdogg79

    gdogg79 Well-Known Member

    Could someone send me Anna's information as well? I need to get in on this action! Thanks!!!!!
  4. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Geesh! No wonder Anna's always tired... keeps her busy!
  5. n4tcp

    n4tcp Active Member

    Could someone PM me with the name as well. Looks like y'all are in my area and I am also looking. Thanks!
  6. browneyedgirl

    browneyedgirl Well-Known Member

    Re: cleaning

    I own a small cleaning company, mainly have cleanings in cary and north raleigh, would love to have a few here, since I lived in Morrisville, but moved to the 40/42 area 3 years ago, email me at , let me know what you might want done. : )
  7. pbarefoot

    pbarefoot Well-Known Member

    cleaning lady?


    I was going thru this post and several people recommended to SavannahAnna a lady named "Anna" I think. can someone please give me her contact info? I desp. need someone to clean my house.


  8. tams

    tams Well-Known Member

    I would love her info also! thanks!
  9. cosmicvagabond

    cosmicvagabond Well-Known Member

    Could someone PM me her contact info as well?
  10. cosmicvagabond

    cosmicvagabond Well-Known Member

    I guess I'm going to get flamed but I wanted to let folks on this thread know about my experience with Anna. I hired Anna to do a deep clean on a home my wife and I had bought and were going to move into the following week. (about 1700 sq feet) The house was empty, and was not terribly dirty. She didn't even have to vacuum as I was going to have them professionally cleaned. The house had been lived in by an older woman who simply didn't clean as thoroughly as I liked. Cobwebs in the corners, greasy film on the countertops, windows were dirty, etc.

    She agreed to clean pretty quickly, but wanted to clean late at night as she had other plans that would keep her from doing it at a more regular time. I should have realized that this would prevent me from checking her work before paying her, unless that is, if I wanted to come to the house at 2 AM and inspect. (not!)

    First of all, it is apparent that the girl is either blind or intentionally skipped areas of the house to clean. There was a cobweb the size of my head in the master shower stall before, and after she cleaned. Greasy film on the counter was still there, but the windows were a bit cleaner. She did wipe down the baseboards and chair rails but it was obvious that it was done in a cursory fashion. All of the work was hit and miss.

    Bottom line is, I feel that it was a waste of my money and would advise anyone else to avoid her or to be available to check her work before paying her. I should have done this but there were so many good recommendations here I didn't feel that it was necessary. Yea, I guess I'm too trusting.

    I didn't call her to redo any of the work, because she knew that we were looking for someone to come twice monthly and that this deep clean was sort of a try out, of sorts. So, I guess either she didn't want the ongoing job or isn't really all of that good a cleaner. I don't know which.
  11. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    What makes you think you get flamed around here?? Don't know.

    You got issues with the blind??
    Hey you want to pay for a half-***** job, that generally gets you a half- *** cleaning.
  12. cosmicvagabond

    cosmicvagabond Well-Known Member

    What makes you think that I paid for a half**** job?
  13. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    What makes you think anyone wants to read your silly posts that amount to little more than taking a whiz on every other thread? Why don't you try posting something constructive once in a while. You may think your juvenile postings are cute or humorous. I assure you they are not. Grow up.
  14. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    apparently you read them, dont preach to me, I could care less.
  15. cosmicvagabond

    cosmicvagabond Well-Known Member

    Flame on :) I just let people know my experience. I really debated for a long time whether to post or not, thinking I was just being too critical. I did give her the benefit of the doubt. But it became apparent that she really gave it a half-***** attempt, and that's what bugged me. I trusted her to do a good job and she didn't. And why should I call her to have her come and do what she should have done in the first place? What she did not do was more than could be chalked up to "missing a spot here and there". She's a super nice lady. Would have loved to have her come back regularly. But oh well. Not if what she did here is any indication of the work she does.

    As for you polenta, I'm glad you are satisfied. I wasn't, and have just as much reason to think people may want to know it as what your experience with her was like.
  16. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    Since you left my name as the person who referred you, I felt obligated to call Anna and ask about this. Before I even read her your post, she was emphatic that the house was incredibly dirty, with the prior occupant having had several dogs (probably why you had the carpets professionally cleaned) and she said that she told you that the grease on the cabinets and countertops wouldn't come off without damaging the finish. It sounds like you were under the assumption that the home was in much better shape than it actually was, and that quite a few things that you thought were 'surface' issues really weren't. It's unfortunate to have to deal with that as a new home buyer, and hopefully the underlying repairs won't be too costly. There is only so much that can be done by a cleaning person or service when there is damage to a home and/or after years of neglect, although regular deep cleanings may help to alleviate some of the issues.

    As expected, she was mortified by your post. Most especially since you never bothered to contact her. I've been using Anna for well over a year now, and she truly is fantastic. She cleaned while we were away for the holiday and even my husband commented on how great it is to come home to such a clean house. On several occassions she has called me to tell me that she is coming back to reclean something because she felt that it was not done to her satisfaction in the normal amount of time it takes her to clean the house. She always goes above and beyond to get the job done, and solicits feedback to ensure that we are happy.

    As someone who has been using individuals and services to clean for many years, I can honestly say that Anna is a rare find and is one of the best. I'm not personally friends with her, but I agree with your assessment that she is very friendly, and am surprised that you wouldn't extend the courtesy of providing her with feedback personally before defaming her on a public message board. Hopefully she'll come and defend herself, as it sounds like there is much that was left out of the original post. And as this is her livelihood, I would expect that she would want to tell her side of the story.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2010
  17. cosmicvagabond

    cosmicvagabond Well-Known Member

    Crysta, I do understand that this house was dirty, that's why i wanted a professional cleaner. I assumed someone who does this for a living would have the technique and materials that would get a better result than just my wife and I doing the cleaning.
    Regarding the areas you mentioned, yes, we did discuss a cabinet that could not be cleaned due to staining, but she did not say this about the countertops. Especially since we were able to clean it with soft scrub and a paper towel. The floor still had dirt accumulation in the corner and at the base of the cabinets. And there were cobwebs built up in the master shower. None of these things were difficult to clean. Maybe all together it was too big a job for one person. Maybe she was having an off day? she was able to look at the house and give me a price prior to starting. If it was extra dirty she could have priced it higher accordingly. I didn't try to dicker price with her. I paid what she asked, and expected a clean home.
    I don't think that I intentionally mischaracterized her work here, or intentionally maligned her personally. I tried to be as honest as possible. I'm not going to call her back to do what she should have done in the first place. And I would have appreciated a call from her saying that she needed to come back and clean some more, but she didn't. She never mentioned that the house was incredibly dirty. And if it was, she had my number to call to say something to the effect that, "Hey, this house is incredibly dirty. It's gonna cost more/take me longer." I waited a while to post here for that possibility.
    I'm glad everyone has had good luck with her. I didn't. that's unfortunate. Maybe next time I will clean BEFORE the cleaning person comes so it won't be more than they can handle.
  18. FourGibbs

    FourGibbs New Member

    This is Anna, I believe it is my turn

    Sorry it took me so long to respond, I have never been on this forum and I needed to register. Steve (hope you dont mind me using your name) first called me on Friday the 12th of November, around 5pm. I drove directly to his home and within an hour of his intial phone call he had an estimate and I went through with him on what was possible to get clean and what would not be possible. Steve had commented on what wonderful referrals I had received on the 4042 forum and I told him, "I do not advertise, I depend on my referrals. Word of mouth will either make you or break you." Steve never called me to tell me he was unhappy, but 16 days after the service was performed he decides to post on a website forum he knows that I am not a part of (I told Steve I had never been on the 4042 forum).... I can only assume he did it in this manner because he is not being truthful. My business is operated solely by me, I take great pride in my work, it is not a glamoros job but it supports my family of four children. I am not blind, and I certainly did not schedule a 9pm clean to avoid him or his ability to check the quality of my work. Steve had said that he needed the house cleaned before he and his wife moved in that upcoming Tuesday. I scheduled that Saturday evening clean at 9pm because I was trying to accomodate a client and their needs while still accomidating the needs and obligations I have as a mother of four children. I was hurt by this posting, and now I am angry. I take great pride in my work, it is not a glamorous job but I enjoy what I do and it helps me support my family. By the way Steve, I cancelled family plans I had made a month prior so I could clean your home... I did that because... my clients come first! Word of mouth is important! I was certain you would be very happy, I believed that this would lead you and your wife to use my services on a regular basis. As far as the kitchen counters and cabinets, I told you that the grease and discoloration would not come off of your white high gloss cabinets without harming the finish on those cabinets, I told you I would do the best I could, and I did! The countertops were cleaned! The master shower took me close to an hour to clean, there was a large buildup of soap scum, grime and mildew. There were no cobwebs in that shower. In addition, I even revacuumed some areas because some of the popcorn ceiling pieces fell to the floor as I cleaned the cobwebbs from all of the rooms. You never called me to tell my you were not satisfied, you only posted it 16 days later in an area you knew I would not see. I thank my clients for their outrage in your posting and I thank them also for contacting me so I could defend myself and my services. I am a very hard working person, I currently have 33 clients on my schedule, that should speak for itself. I give each and every client the best of my work. On the rare occasion I do miss something (yes, I am not perfect), I immediatley fix the problem. If you would like to contact me to discuss this further, I look forward to your phone call. If however, you are just looking for an audience, than I guess your welcome to keep posting these horrible things. You should be ashamed at how you handled this situation but I am pretty certain you are not. Happy Holidays. Sincerely, Anna, owner and operator of Anna's Qulity Cleaning Service.
  19. cosmicvagabond

    cosmicvagabond Well-Known Member

    I posted here because that is where I found out about you. Not because I was hoping you wouldn't see it. And why would I want to hurt your reputation by saying something that I didn't feel was true? Honestly, I'm not that kind of person. And no, I'm not ashamed. I stand behind my posts. You DID miss a nest of cobwebs in my shower the size of a basketball. You did miss the inch thick dust accumulated on top of the shower rod. I thought it was a bad idea to clean into the night, because hell, any normal person would get tired working that late. But, it's good you came to give your side of the story. I also see that my side of the story is totally missed.
    Lastly, if YOU feel like you could have done a better job I invite you to contact me to discuss it. And actually I do mind you using my name and would appreciate you editing it from your post.
    You have a great day now.
  20. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Why didn't you call her before you posted this? That makes no sense whatsoever. :?

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